KSU’s public consultation on abortion took place last night and has continued to bring the issue of abortion to the forefront on campus. KSU is determined in its efforts to kick off a healthy discussion on abortion. A survey was shared to continuously push students to voice themselves on abortion.
Yesterday’s panel brought forward various perspectives to abortion, varying from a scientific, pro-choice to pro-life approach. The panel was moderated by KNZ President Sean Ellul. Whilst there were experts to defend what their argument, the panel was also open to comments and questions from the floor.
Talking from a presumably scientific perspective, Dr Ivan Galea stated that “abortion at any point is killing a baby – a unique human body” and that that potential life should be supported like any other human life. Whilst Dr Viktor Cassar did not outwardly disagree with Dr Galea, he outlined how stopping women from aborting in Malta is health discrimination. This is so because they can go abroad to abort, and there are other legal ways to stop fertilization in Malta.
When the debate turned to that between pro-life and pro-choice, it was clear that the argument was on at what point life begins.
Dr Lara Dimitrejvic argued that we all have our own moral beliefs on this issue, and this is fair. “I cross the line when I impose my beliefs on others”, she continued. Dr Dimitrejvic has had a miscarriage from an unwanted pregnancy and understands the grief of losing a child. That said, she emphasised that we can never choose for a pregnant woman since we will never be able to get her point of view.
Arguing in favour of pro-life, Dr Miriam Sciberras stated that “the crux of the issue is fact, not choice”. This fact being that the child is a separate entity, deserving of equal dignity. Ms. Bernice Micallef continued; regardless of what stage of development of human life we are talking about, each stage has equal value.
Regarding the idea of justice and abortion, Dr Dimitrejvic argued that the position imposed upon women is unjust. Dr Sciberras opposed that “when we fail to give rights to the child in the womb is where justice diverges”.
Looking forward, Dr Dimitrejvic proposed introducing free contraception and legalizing abortion to minimize the need for abortion but also stop the stigma surrounding it. Ms. Micallef emphasised that legalizing abortion simply because it is legal abroad is not justifiable. “Abortion causes victims”, she said, and in fact it is still shrouded even where it is legal. Rather than encouraging abortion, we should support women more because “when women give up is when they get abortions”.