KSU’s Social Policy Office has taken on an extensive campaign aimed at raising awareness on Autism. The campaign will tackle integration and accessibility at UM. This all-encompassing approach was made possible due to EU funding acquired with the help of MEUSAC and EUPA.
Regarding accessibility, KSU’s Social Policy Office decided to split this into two components; by conducting a survey and by testing the accessibility on campus. The findings will be included in the final report which will be issued during the official closing of the campaign.
As for integration, KSU has three events lined up for this coming week with the aim of increasing awareness and informing students.
A focus group will be held to create a safe space for students to discuss autism this Tuesday 26th March. This will take place in collaboration with the Faculty for Social Wellbeing with the help of Prof. Andrew Azzopardi and Dr. Alistair De Gaetano on behalf of the Autism Advisory Council.
In the evening of the same day, Students’ House will be transformed into a symbol of inclusion for Autism Awareness during an event called Light it Up Blue. This event will be the fulcrum of the entire campaign. Mrs. Michelle Muscat will be attending on behalf of The Marigold Foundation, along with student organisation representatives and other distinguished guests.
On Friday 29th March KSU’s Social Policy Office and Dr. De Gaetano on behalf of the Autism Advisory Council, will be going around campus asking students questions. The aim is to resolve misconceptions concerning people who are on the spectrum and educate students.
KSU will be holding a talk entitled See the Ability later that same day at 18:00. The event will be open to the public on a first come first serve basis and will be held in the KSU Betsson Common Room.
The talk will kick off with a short video to set the scene, and will be followed by a number of speakers, who are experts in the field of autism or who have first-hand experience. The talk will deliver insight into different aspects of autism and encourages the audience to engage in the discussion. The event will then end with a few light refreshments and drinks together with a distribution of a souvenir.
Monday Morning 1st April, KSU will be organising a human library activity on campus. A number of NGOs and other entities will have stands on quad to educate passers-by on autism. The campaign will come to a close later that day via a Facebook live stream at 15:00. KSU’s Social Policy will present the findings gathered with regards to both aspects of this campaign during the live stream.