Yesterday, Kris Bajada announced his candidacy for the role of KSU President as an independent candidate in the upcoming KSU Elections.
This means that besides the teams contesting on behalf of Pulse and SDM respectively, Kris Bajada will also be contesting for the role of president precisely against Carla Galea for SDM and Jean Claude Scicluna for Pulse.
In his statement, Bajada explained that there is political background behind the candidature of the SDM and Pulse teams and this has motivated him to step forward and contest this election independently. He explains how “Student’s organisations should never be an extension of a political party, student’s organisations should never be an extension of the government or of the opposition. The whole concept of the student’s organisation is to pressure those in power to achieve more for the students.”
Bajada explained how in his opinion, whilst Faculty-based organisations have flourished over the years, he cannot say the same for KSU because party politics affected the council greatly.
Moreover, Bajada held that “if Pulse is elected they will not push the government more than their party will let them. If SDM is elected it will always find obstacles to negotiate with the government being opposing parties. Being an independent means that I can negotiate and push the government that little bit further and also I canwork with anyone as I will not be bound by any political party; thus I can work to get the best for you.”
Bajada emphasised that this does in no way mean that he is against political parties but rather he is contesting indepently also to ensure that both political parties and their respective leaders when visiting University, receive the respect they deserve. Bajada concluded his official candidacy launch by stating “So, let us prove on election day that you do not need to be in a political party to have your voice truly heard. As an independent president; at long last KSU will not belong to a political party but to us, the students.”
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