The annual Kokka Night hosted by KSU serves to close the year whilst looking back at all the accomplishments of the past year, honouring those that overcame obstacles and innovated either as individuals or organisations.
The event took place this Saturday and opened with outgoing KSU President, William Farrugia, giving his speech and reflecting on his past year in the Council. He encouraged the new KSU to persevere even when the odds are against them and to be ready to learn from their mistakes. Farrugia closed off with on an endearing note directed to KSU Secretary, Daniela Fitzpatrick, calling her their ‘moral compass’.
Fitzpatrick reciprocated these feelings back in her own speech, commending the Council under Farrugia as ‘the winner of challenging years’. She proceeded to give the first award of the night to Farrugia himself for being able to manage a hectic year like no other.
The full list of the awards and winners is as follows:
- Kokka Akkademika: Jean Callus
- Kokka Professur: Prof. Andrew Azzopardi (Dean of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing)
- Kokka Attiva: Thomas Grixti who was a frontliner at the peak of the pandemic
- Kokka Attivita: UESA for their Global Warming campaign
- Kokka Ambjent: S-Cubed
- Kokka Branding: SACES
- Kokka Filantropika: MAKE
- Kokka Ħabrieka: Beppe Galea for being Secretary General of the European Democrat Students organisation
- Kokka Talent: Aleandro Spiteri Monsigneur
- Kokka Saħħa: MHSA
- Kokka Sportiva: UoM Wolves
- Kokka Innovattiva: JEF Malta
- Kokka Internazzjonali: TDM200 Malta
- Kolka Onorarja: Steve Zammit Lupi who has been elected as an independent Council Member in Żebbuġ
- Kokka Qalbiena: dedicated to all the student frontliners
- Kokka Kollaborazzjoni: SDM for their “No Right Brain Left Behind” campaign
- Kokka Organiżżazjoni: MMSA for reforming and stabilising their internal affairs.