KNZ Control Commission Recommands Early Elections

Following the meeting of the Control Commission on Thursday 21st July 2016 in which it listened to the replies of the remaining members of the Executive Board of the KNZ following the receipt of the joint resignation letter of 4 Executive Board members in which several accusations were made.   The Commission has also given due consideration to all relevant matters, including remaining events.

The Commission notes that there have been several failings in the running of the Executive Board but lays the blame on no one person, rather it recognizes that there was a comprehensive breakdown in communication and cooperation between many past and present Executive Boards members. This negative situation continued to deteriorate further by certain attitudes where instead of goodwill childish pique became the order of the day.   Given that more than half to the elected members to the Executive Board have resigned, this including the 6th resignation which though delivered verbally has not yet been presented in writing, the Control Commission is of the opinion that the current Executive Board is in an untenable position and it would be in the best interest of the organization as a whole if the term of the current executive was brought to an end and fresh elections were held as soon as possible.  

Though it is within the power of the Control Commission to call the elections, it is the opinion of the members that it would be most prudent if this recommendation is approved by the member organisations of the council voting in an EGM.  

Since such matter is of the utmost importance the Commission feels that it is best to act without delay and therefore sets the date of this EGM for Thursday 28th July 2016, to be held at 6pm at the KNZ offices in Lion Street, Floriana, which is being called for such purpose only.

The Commission recommends that the election be held in another EGM on the  Saturday 27th August  with nominations would close 13th of August as per the KNZ statute.

The Commission expects that current Executive Board members will continue to carry out their duties as caretakers until new board is elected in order to safeguard the integrity of ongoing projects.

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