Last Monday SDM (Studenti Demokristjani Maltin) launched their twelve candidates for the upcoming KSU election. This was presented by SDM president, Hertian Cachia, and his colleagues forming part of the executive team.
Today KSU has hosted its AGM in order to appoint the new candidates for the 2023/2024 period.
KSU’s New Team 2023/24
KSU has a team composed of 12 positions. Following today’s AGM, 11 SDM candidates have been elected for the upcoming year and these are listed below:
- President: Jeremy Mifsud Bonnici
- Vice President for Internal Affairs: Zachea Scicluna
- Vice President for External Affairs: Luke Bonanno
- Secretary General: Zane Camilleri
- Financial Officer: Kylie Decelis
- Public Relations Officer: Matthea Borg
- Students Affairs and International Officer: Giulia Bugeja
- Social Policy Officer: Matthias Azzopardi
- Media and Design officer: Rachel Grech Flores
- Education Officer: Daniel Zammit Lupi
- Culture and Entertainment Co-Ordinator: Amy Govus
President’s comment

The team has been working on a common vision to provide students with a university experience they deserve. The priority this year is to make all decisions with a student centric approach which prioritises the well-being of students. By the end of the term my ultimate goal is to make as many students feel involved on campus; be it voicing their opinions, being part of the decision-making process and feeling comfortable to approach any and all of us for any support they might need. This is the council for all students, from all backgrounds and I pledge that we will do our utmost to make every single effort in tackling students’ issues, irrelevant of it being an issue which affects a hundred students or one singular student.
Jeremy Mifsud Bonnici, KSU President
Election for Culture and Entertainment officer
One role is, however, still being contested for, that being the Culture and Entertainment officer. These are being contested by Krista Hili, who is part of SDM’s team, and Isaiah Riolo who is running as an independent candidate.
Statutory changes
A new Media and Design Office has been introduced so there is more importance placed on Media from KSU’s end. Meanwhile, the International Office has been augmented so it becomes Students Affairs and International Office.
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck for their term!