The Students’ Philosophical Society (SPS) held their AGM on Friday 11, 2022, with Jeremy Gatt being elected president of the organisation.
Executive List
- President – Jeremy Gatt
- Vice President and Treasurer – Kurt Zammit
- Secretary General – Nicole Gauci
- Public Relations Officer and Marketing Officer – Maya Micallef Engerer
- Activities Officer – Marcus Borg
- Academic Officer and Social Media Officer– Francesca Monstein

Presidential Comment
I am very pleased with the new executive team and am very hopeful for this upcoming year of SPS! I think the organisation has a lot to offer, and we intend to expand on that more, not only to philosophy students, but anyone with even a passing interest in philosophy. As our name suggests, we want to foster a society, and that means focusing on creating a space for a diverse community of people with a common love for philosophy and critical thinking. We have a lot of ideas for the future of SPS, and we hope to see even more new faces join us in our events and community!
Jeremy Gatt
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!
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