“Over 120 years of KSU, KSU has always had to reflect the changing times. Differentiation between the student organisations and the student representatives is not needed, their combination will result in a better output.”
Matthew Xuereb
Earlier this afternoon, KSU held an Extraordinary General Meeting to bring forward changes to the current statute of the council.
The motions proposed focused mainly on restructuring the roles of their Executive Board in order to better the workflow and operations between all parties involved within the organisation. In total, five motions have been proposed and approved within the EGM with changes including the merger of both the KE and KPS commissions and to the newly divided Vice President for Internal Affairs and Vice President for External Affairs roles.
Motion 1
The first motion in the statute introduced a new Financial Supervisory and Advisory Committee. As it currently stands, the financial assets of the council currently fall on the Financial Officer’s role. This will continue, however with the introduction of the new Financial Supervisory and Advisory Committee, the council will now have a dedicated committee to advise on the finances of the organisation. With the new committee in place, KSU will ensure that all finances within the council will be used in the best way possible which would therefore allow the council to make room for new ventures for prospective students.
Motion 2
The second motion proposed within the meeting introduces a new concept within the Student Organisation Forum which would allow an easier process for student organisations to be recognized by the council. The concept established a new Affiliated Student Associations claus, which would be able to allow student organisations to be recognised by the KSU through a set of requirements that will be released by the new commission. This new approach is aimed at bettering the approach taken towards the coordinated action between student organisations as well as making it an overall more approachable method of being recognized by the council.
Motion 3: The Merger of KE and KPS
Arguably the most heated motion put forward within the meeting, this proposition brings together both KE and KPS commissions to form one body within KSU. With this motion in place, both student organisations and student representatives are now merged within one entity, thus allowing a wider and more accurate portfolio of students to represent university students and shaping KSU’s policymaking. This would also provide the council with a better context and understanding of the students perspective, as well as allow a wider set of opinions in general discussions tackled within the respective meetings.
With the merger of these two commissions, the Vice President’s role has respectively been devised into two parts; Vice President Internal Affairs / Vice President External Affairs which would allow a better division of work within the workflow of the council.
Closing Remarks
The last two motions addressed within the meeting mainly aimed on tackling the approval of the motions addressed, with the fourth motion clarifying the legal representation of KSU and the fifth allowing the Secretary General to make cosmetic changes to the statute such as formatting and changes in numbering.
And with that, we came to an end to a very successful EGM. Stay tuned for more updates to follow on the AGM!