Most people envision themselves going abroad to live for at least a short duration within their lifetime . You can understand why from the numerous benefits which you can reap when doing so. There are a number of ways of going about this, but going on a study exchange or working experience abroad tend to be the most common for our age. They are long enough for us to get a taste of what it might be like to live on a long-term basis abroad, but you also know this is temporary.
Living Abroad
I’ll walk you through a preview of these benefits if you were to, say, go on a work experience abroad.
Experiencing a new culture. With an ever increasing globalisation we are now become more exposed to many different cultures, but have you ever immersed yourself in a completely discrete culture? This correlates to a number of different components, from facts about the country and its society, fun activities they undertake, different garments they wear, the food they consume, landmarks, and the whole lot. Learning a new language or enhancing a language you already use could be another outcome of this journey. Conversely, there are other more ‘natural’ elements that can be experienced abroad through the increased greenery, visually aesthetic landscapes and the like, which Malta might be deprived of due to its smallness.

Self-sufficiency. Perhaps this could be a game changer for you as an individual. Living abroad, as portrayed through social media, seems like a dream. But simultaneously you’ll also learn fundamental skills you will need as you enter your adulthood. Though they may seem mundane, such as cooking your own meals, allocating your money well and washing your own clothes, these are pivotal on a day-to-day basis. It feels great knowing you can grow as a person and become more independent.
Friends and networking opportunities. Contacts are essential in today’s age. Even the seemingly faintest contact might be the key to one of your life-long dreams, be it regarding your working career or something else. Remember to enjoy the process as well. Making new friends can be another route to an established group and fulfilling events/memories if you bond well together. Who knows it may be your life-pivoting experience you may be desiring.

Enhanced CV and differentiation from others. Competition in the labour market is becoming increasingly challenging as more qualified people are being recorded in every successive period. In most occupations work experience is either a mandate or it increases the likelihood of the individual being accepted. This is since the individual is already equipped with sufficient capabilities and other ‘soft-skills’ which are needed. Stark examples include being proactive and effective time management. A work experience abroad could act as a fundamental differentiating aspect over other applicants. It demonstrates you are capable of adapting to your environment, working well with others (despite different sets of values/norms) etc.
How you can secure an internship abroad through IAESTE Malta
In case you haven’t heard of IAESTE Malta, the organisation is an intermediary that helps local students acquire paid internships abroad corresponding to their studies. It deals with a number of different fields including Architecture, Biology, Engineering, Mathematics, and many others, to accommodate for the diverse courses in Malta. Most of these internships would take place during the summer period as employers are aware that university is a priority.
The organisation currently has a number of paid internships open which local students can apply for, where students studying in Malta will be competing only against local applicants. Interested students are recommended to have a look at their website at their earliest chance as deadlines for applications close on the 7th of March. Students who wish to know more about the process or have any queries are advised to reach out through info@iaeste.org.mt.