How do you get to Know People by the Comments they Pass?

Have you ever really thought about the saying, ‘what Susan says of Sally says more about Susan than of Sally’? Without any prior consideration, some people just utter words from their mouth irrelevant of the consequences they might have. In reality, if someone is gullible enough not to think beyond a comment someone passes, they are definitely at a disadvantage.

Clearly, how one expresses himself shows a lot about the person he or she truly is. Their body language towards others and how they treat others verbally and non-verbally highly shadows their character. Every day I find myself observing how certain people talk about others; some speak highly about the people around them whilst others do the exact opposite. In the latter case, my mind ignited with thoughts of how they would actually speak of me. Should I trust them? Are they loyal enough?

We have found ourselves living in a world where people are more concerned with how they look and with their latest purchase from the Mac store rather than looking for what has true meaning in life. The values of kindness, loyalty and respect towards others are a rare sight these days. It’s a pity that some think that if you have a university degree you are educated… do not be mistaken. A degree does not make someone smart, as some people are proof of the saying ‘ignorance is bliss’.  People choose not to care nor to act as if they do, which is a pity because giving is the best thing one can ever undertake in life.

“So be kind, because everyone is fighting a hard battle” (Plato).

Next time, think before you speak.

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About Vincienne Sammut 3 Articles
She has always followed one basic yet complicated philosophy to live by; positivity. Some people always ask her how she manages to achieve everything she wants in life. Simple. Gratitude is the key to a happy and positive life. One’s journey will not always be easy, one just has to make it easier by using positive frequencies.