How are students volunteering amidst the Corona Crisis?

A number of courses related to the medical and health science sectors have been contacted through University to help how they can in the COVID-19 outbreak

Those enrolled in medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical, applied biomedical, physiotherapy, chemistry, and radiography courses have all been contacted to see how they could be of assistance. The work requested of them varied from assisting at Mater Dei Hospital or helping with 111/112 Helplines.

Medicine students have been approached to help with 3 main things on a voluntary basis, MMSA board members informed The Third Eye. MMSA were asked to gather volunteers to help with the 111 Helpline as well as the 112 Helpline (since officials expect the number of calls to increase). Medicine students, mainly 5th years’, have also been asked to aid at the swabbing center.

MHSA executive members also informed us on the number of students called to help from health science courses.

Nursing students from both second and third year and both diploma and degree courses have been called in to be employed on a part-time contract and are paid at varying rates each. The contract is ulterior to the students’ studies and does not contribute towards placement hours.

Applied Biomedical, Physiotherapy and Radiography students were also asked to help on a voluntary basis, be it in labs or on the 111 helpline. Finally, pharmacy students were also approached via an email sent on 15th March to the pharmaceutical technology students requesting them to help prepare mixtures of handrub at Mater Dei Hospital.

Malta Chamber of Pharmacists have issued the process that needs to be followed by the students assisting in this situation.

Whether students are paid or otherwise, the hours spent helping will not be compensated as placement hours.

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