SDM’s Background
Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM) is one of the most prominent organisations in the domestic regions. The student-based organisation has its fundamentals pertaining to Political Affairs and seeks to echo young students’ needs and opinions.
On the 25th of November SDM held its AGM, where the new team has been announced. Hertian Salameh Cachia will be embarking on a journey to lead his colleagues and yielding the best that SDM can offer.
The official list includes:
- President: Hertian Salameh Cachia
- Vice-President: Danaya Grech
- Secretary General: Chayenne Riolo
- Public Relations Officer: Natalya Stivala
- Media Officer: Krista Pisani
- Human Resources: Sherona Briffa
- Financial Officer: Martina Micallef
- Assistant Financial Officer: Martina Mangion
- University Co-Ordinator: Krista Hili
- Junior College Co-ordinator: Neil Camenzuli
- Gozo Co-ordinator: David Borg
- Social policy and education officer: Emilia Galdes
- Events Officer: Matteo Mangion

Presidential Comment

I am humbled and honoured to be entrusted to lead the organisation through a very important period, that of change and also togetherness. I would also like to thank my predecessor for his time and dedication. Going forward as an organisation we will make it our priority in order to represent all students at UM, JC, MCAST and ITS in the best way possible. I am looking forward to work with other Student Organisations and students, irrespective of their beliefs and background. SDM will truly be an open space for discussion and thought.
Hertian Salameh Cachia
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!