Written by David Mizzi
In light of recent events pertaining to Campus Hub a sweeping amount of posts have surfaced over the internet. David‘s article explicitly addresses a Times of Malta article, which suggested that Campus Hub’s offerings are ultimately what students desire.
Wouldn’t it be better if students led the charge against all that is wrong in the country?
It is these 17 words that I take umbrage with. This shifting of the responsibility of protesting to students, students who (understandably) are more concerned with their grades, future employment, and, in some cases, their rent. I find it extremely telling that the generation responsible for this mess is once again passing on the buck. Essentially, to use an analogy, you’re at a party and one person, who has left a terrible mess of garbage, bottles, and cigarette butts, says “wouldn’t it be better if other guests led the party clean up?”
You, you who elected the political parties that enabled this culture of construction and consumerism are responsible (besides the politicians and the Yes Men they employ). Most of these students were not even eligible voters at the time. How can you oblige them to clean up your mess?
You are responsible for this mess. You deal with it.
Of course students and younger generations want to leave. The writing is on the wall. There is no future on this island. Find greener pastures elsewhere, a place where your physical and mental health is prioritised. Where progress doesn’t come at the expense of your well-being. Where your talents are appreciated, where you are promoted based on your abilities and performance rather than who you know. Where the law is applied equally across the social spectrum, where politicians and businessmen are held to account for their mistakes. Where you have a hope of building a home and a family (should you want it).
Leave the island to the rats that have plundered and raped this country. Leave it to the capitalist carrions that feast on its rubbled carcass.
Are you really happy to send students and your children to protest, when you know this might spell disaster for their careers? Where you know they will be marked as ‘traitors’ for speaking out against the country? Where they will be antagonised, trolled, attacked, and harassed for speaking out? Are you really willing to offer up future generations as sacrificial lambs for the mistakes you have made? What am I saying, of course you do – you’ve already robbed them of their future once before.