GhSL Launch Voting Initiative

In anticipation of the upcoming KSU (Kunsill Studenti Universitarji) elections which will be held this Thursday, the law students’ society, G?SL, has released an event on Facebook with the aim of increasing the total student turnout in these elections, especially within the law course. The page, entitled "KSU Elections: Bring Out The Vote’, is targeted particularly to law students who are being invited to have their say and not to let others decide who shall represent them.

When contacted by The Third Eye, GhSL Public Relations Officer, Jacob Portelli, expressed his encouragement to all students to grasp the opportunity to be heard by electing the members one wishes to be represented by.

Adding to this, Jacob Portelli described the organisation’s campaign: “GhSL’s aim with the "Bring Out the Vote’ campaign is to encourage all students to go out and vote in the upcoming KSU election. We started this campaign last year and we felt that we should stick to it once again because, after all, a vote is not just a right, but it is equally a duty!”

Jacob Portelli also clarified that, battling student apathy, this initiative’s other goal is to inspire other organisations to partake in such campaigns.

“We encourage all students to make their voice heard next Thursday and go our and vote! As our motto goes — Your Vote, Your Voice!”

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About Roberta Carabott 10 Articles
Currently reading for a degree in Law at the University of Malta, Roberta’s interest in current affairs together with creative writing and the English language in particular, has only continued to develop. She also believes that voicing one’s personal opinion is a powerful human tool that we must not take for granted. Whilst having a passion for reading and watching movies, Roberta is an outdoors enthusiast who enjoys socialising, meeting friends and new people, and seeks the thrill resulting from any adventurous experience.