New guidelines are in place for the rest of the semester at the University of Malta
University Senate has sent out an email to all students last night with guidelines on how the rest of semester will take place in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. The Senate held an online meeting during which they decided on examinations, dissertations and Erasmus among other things that have been affected by the current situation.
Senate are working on these guidelines so that the semester will not be suspended and the next semester will not be interrupted.
Written supervised exams will be substituted by written assignments or take-home examinations. The examination period will remain the same as usual and timetables will be published by the respective Faculties/Institutes/Centers/Schools [FICS] at least one month before the start of the exam session. Other modes of assessment by use of online means are being looked into, including the possibility of viva voce examinations for small groups via online platforms (e.g. Zoom).
Dissertations are to be submitted by soft copy on VLE by the predetermined deadlines and physical copies at a later stage. Extensions shall be granted where deemed necessary by FICS. Viva Voce examinations for Undergraduate dissertations may be eliminated if the faculty board agrees, and for other higher-level dissertations these are to be held virtually.
Projects (lab-based), Clinicals, Practicals
The Rector will be asking the Superintendent of Public Health whether it is possible to allow a very limited number of students who need to work in laboratories to continue with their research.
Clinical placements at MDH are partially being postponed for when the hospital permits. Clinical exams will be scheduled when placements are completed and when clinicians are available to act as examiners. Certain placements may need to be delayed to the next year of the course programme due the need of constant supervision throughout the placement session.
Teaching Practice: The Faculty of Education is exploring ways whereby students can deliver lessons online; if no solution is found, Teaching Practice would have to be postponed to a time when schools re-open.
Re-Sits / Progression of students
Re-sits of examinations from second semester will be held in the same format as they will be held during the semester (e.g. exams turned assignments will be re-sit as assignments). Students who fail to get enough credits to proceed to the next year in their course programme because of issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak, will proceed regardless. The limit of failed units will be determined by FICS.
Final year students
An effort is being made for final-year students to graduate within the normal time frame.
Maltese students who could not continue their studies abroad will resume the local classes. Foreign students in Malta will receive the same education as other Maltese students.