Gozo University Group (GUG) held its AGM on Sunday 8th May, at Don Bosco Oratory, Victoria, Gozo.
No elections were held with regard to the appointment of the Advisory and Vigilance Board, to which Owen Teuma, Monique Camilleri, and Daisy Grima were duly appointed.
The New Executive Team:
- Estelle Scicluna – President
- Danica Sultana – Vice-President
- Eric Grech – Administration Secretary
- Matthias Mercieca – Information Secretary
- Christine Sultana – Events Officer
- Claire Gauci – Social Media Officer
- Matthias Refalo – MCAST Officer
- Joseph Mario Grech – Financial Officer
- Elena Curmi – Marketing Officer
- Presley Clark – International Officer
- Matthew Grech – Education Officer
- Joseph Mercieca – Social Policy Officer
- Nathalia Borg – Public Relations Officer

My experience with GUG is definitely something which I will carry with me throughout my life. I congratulate the new members who will be part of GUG for the first time. Do everything possible to give a voice to Gozitan students.
Owen Teuma, former president
Since the start of my journey at GUG, in August 2019, I always felt a great responsibility to help other Gozitan students in their scholastic journey in Malta. To be able to do this was of great satisfaction to me. After two years as Financial Officer followed by another year as Vice President, I felt ready to take on the role of President of this organisation that is so very close to my heart and the values I strive for.
In the past years I have always looked up to the former Presidents that I worked with, Renée Formosa, Mark Farrugia, and Owen Teuma. Looking back at the valuable work they did and their leadership, I feel like I have big shoes to fill. However, I am confident that together with this year’s other members of the executive committee, I will keep working hard to help in all matters concerning Gozitan students in Malta.
Estelle Scicluna, president for 2022\23
On behalf of The Third Eye, we wish the new executive the best of luck