Press Release by ESO
ESO’s Annual General Meeting held this Friday marked the beginning of a new executive board, serving the term 2019/2020.
Naomi Attard was appointed as Chairperson, whereas Keith Grima and Gabriel Mallia were appointed as Commissioners.
The meeting started off with the approval of agenda. Following this, outgoing president Miriana Calleja Testaferrata de Noto gave her Presidential Speech. Samwel Bondin was then in charge of presenting the minutes of the previous AGM. Thereafter, the Annual Report was read out by Miriana Calleja Testaferrata de Noto. The Financial Report as well as Amendments to the Statute were also presented.
All contesting candidates gave a speech in order to introduce themselves, as well as their visions for their role and the organisation as a whole.
The 9 candidates that were elected and/or approved into their roles within the organisation are as follows:
- President: Maria Cutajar
- Vice President: Samwel Bondin
- Secretary General: Eman Portelli
- Financial Officer: Bernice Bonello
- Social Policy Officer: Faith Spearing
- Public Relations Officer: Daniel Mallia
- Academic Affairs Officer: Rebecca Azzopardi
- Events Officer: Shaun Micallef
- International Officer: Marlen Saliba
The AGM ended with a speech from the newly elected president, Maria Cutajar. Here, Maria expressed her gratitude for being trusted with this position, and explained how, together with the rest of the team, she is determined to work hard to keep on making ESO a stronger student organisation. Maria Cutajar ended her speech by stating that she will always keep the student body in mind.
ESO would like to thank the outgoing executive for all their hard work throughout the year. A special thank you goes to former president, Miriana Calleja Testaferrata de Noto, for her hard work throughout the whole year. Having served a whole three years within this organisation, we are truly grateful for all that she has managed to achieve, constantly striving to make ESO stronger.
ESO would like to take this opportunity to thank all students who were present during the AGM, as well as all those who helped out the organisation throughout the past term, and were present at our events.
It was yet another successful year for ESO. After compiling the Room Allocation Report, we were granted an office for the second consecutive year. Together with KSU and Jef, ESO has also launched a year long campaign, leading up the European Parliamentary elections this coming May. Amongst various other projects, ESO has successfully completed its Instagram Takeover, where for two whole weeks, a number of MEP candidates coming from various parties, took over our Instagram account, in order to show what life as an MEP candidate entails. As part of this campaign, ESO also organised a final debate comprising of two different panels. We can proudly say that a debate of this level and quality was undoubtedly a first for this organisation. Additionally, ESO enjoyed a very successful term with regards to the other events organised throughout this term.