Emma Vella to lead JEF Malta for 20/21

Following the Annual General Meeting held on the 11th of July at The Palace Hotel, the Executive Board for JEF Malta has been elected.

This list of the new team goes as follows:

President – Emma Vella
Vice President & PR Officer – Petra Mizzi
Secretary General – Bernice Zarb
Financial Officer – Adam McCarthy
International Officers – Andrew Micallef and Darlene Schembri
Projects Officers – Juanita Galea and Andrea Pavia
Civic Education Officers – Sarah Bonnici and Nicole Spiteri
Press Officers – Nikos Chircop and Selina Holgersson
Social Policy Officer – Chantelle Sammut

Having been elected as president, Emma Vella shared her thoughts with The Third Eye on her new role.

The past couple of years have seen JEF Malta flourish into the successful organisation that it is today. It is through the tireless work of the previous executive teams that JEF Malta was able to improve and innovate in its projects and outreach. The past term saw JEF Malta launch its first edition of Integrated Democratic Europe (IDE) Simulation giving a voice to youths on various topical issues as well as improving on old projects such as Europe at School, where we have reached the 1000 student milestone.

Emma Vella, JEF Malta President

Vella thanks the outgoing executive team for their work and is now looking forward to the year ahead.

We aspire to make JEF Malta thrive by innovating new projects and improving old ones. This newly elected body is eager to work harder than ever in order to promote European values and further the cause of European Integration.

The Third Eye would like to congratulate the new team and looks forward to continue collaborating!

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