ELSA Celebrates 70th Human Rights Anniversary

ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association is first and foremost a human rights organisation. ELSA’s main purpose is “to contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers”.

Over the years, ELSA Malta has focused on publishing a number of research and policy papers, in order to contribute to the discussion of certain topical legal issues. ELSA Malta’s most recent publications include ‘The Development of Environmental Law in Malta’ and ‘Living in a Digital Era: Safeguarding one’s rights in today’s society’. The latter publication was released as a celebration of last year’s Human Rights Day, which is celebrated annually across the globe. This research paper included a review of International and local Case Law, whilst also discussing the dangers and opportunities related to one’s digital rights. ELSA Malta remains committed to be pro-active on several heated issues that have a social impact.

As a celebration of this year’s Human Rights Day, the ELSA Malta Human Rights Organising Committee proudly presents ELSA Malta’s research paper, ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 70 years later’. This paper focuses primarily on the UDHR and its evolution over the past 70 years. The UDHR established, for the first time, the universal recognition of human rights. It also declared that human rights are inalienable, equally applicable, indivisible and inherent to every human being, regardless of nationality, colour, origin, religion, belief, sex or any status.

We would like to congratulate ELSA Malta for their ongoing work in the field of human rights and social policy!

Access their paper here!


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