In a dynamic society, things are constantly changing and it’s quite inconceivable to have an individual living in such a society who agrees with all that is being done. Normally, people resort to Facebook or other forms of social media to voice their opinion, commenting on what they would like to see differently or maybe change.
Recently, we have seen even greater upheaval and a lot of discussion on issues that are of national and global concern. On the international sphere, we inevitably had a considerable amount of posts last Monday during and after Donald Trump’s Inauguration as President of the US, complaining about what he said during his speech and all that followed by the actions of his administration. Closer to home, here in Malta, something comment-worthy crops up on so many occasion – be it an environmental issue, a matter of traffic, the treatment of immigrants or anything else.
However, in most cases, the "complaint’ ends with a Facebook post or with a tweet. The issue then dies a natural death, only to crop up again in a matter of weeks, months or years in similar posts – and the cycle goes on and on. We are living in a society where it has become very easy to complain about what goes on around us, but unfortunately very few people take action and bother to do something concrete about it. Nevertheless, if you feel passionate about a subject, if you want something to change, do something about it, join an NGO working on the topic, help a continuous campaign to bring that change about.
Don’t just be a number – make sure your voice is heard in an efficient way. As Emma Watson stated in a speech to the UN about gender equality, “if I don’t do it, then who will? If not now, then when?” It might sound like a bit of a cliché, but Gandhi’s words, “be the change you want to see in the world” cannot be truer.