December | “to make amends and tie loose ends”

“Chapter 12 of 12”; “Make this last chapter a perfect one”; “A magical month”.

What do these phrases have in common? Simple. All three of them spammed our Facebook news feeds as soon as the clock struck midnight on December the 1st. Together with endless photos of Christmas lights and snowy days (which us Maltese can surely forget about ever having), these phrases ensured that we’d become fully aware of the magic brought about by this ’wonderful time of the year’.

Amongst all the superficial quotes and images, I did however come across an image which provided a particularly interesting description of this twelfth month of the year: “a month of lights, snow and feasts; time to make amends and tie loose ends; finish off what you started and hope your wishes come true”.

While most of us would agree that December is quite overrated, and that the bars have been raised way too high, putting all our ambitions high enough to make us believe that this truly is a magical month; one cannot deny the fact that most of us still get a thrill out of walking through streets brimming with Christmas lights, while listening to the classic tunes of "Jingle Bells’ and "Silent Night’. Perhaps the most reasonable explanation to this feeling would be that December is the perfect opportunity for us all to go back in time and once again feel the warmth and happiness brought about by this time of the year, back in our childhoods.

What is mostly fascinating to watch in December, however, is the way by which many seem to get too caught up in this Christmas spirit, without actually acting upon it. “To make amends and tie loose ends.” Such a phrase makes me question what the truth behind such a phrase is. It surely is not the easiest task, and saying it is by far easier than actually putting it into action. Nevertheless, it is definitely not impossible. Start by cutting off all the negative vibes you’ve been sending to the guy who ended things with you six months ago; continue by fixing the damage you did when you stopped speaking to your sibling a few weeks ago; and end by truly putting a meaning into the "Best Wishes’ messages you post to all your Facebook friends.

This December, don’t wait for the magic to happen. It will only be a meaningful and magical month, if you decide to make it so.

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About Stephanie Bonnici 1 Article
She aspires to create a difference, as small as it may be - be it through smiling to a stranger, or through that which she writes on her blog. Positivity, determination and independence describe who she is. She challenges herself and pushes herself to her limits, despite sometimes fearing the risks she takes just like any other human. Being a performer, she has learned to appreciate all aspects of art, and learned to see and appreciate the beauty in the simplest of things! She writes to express, and she writes to create.