Cacopardo raised the pressing issue of students not participating in activities such as the upcoming KSU Elections. He suggests the introduction of an online voting system such as the one currently in place for student representatives. Here is his full statement which he will raise during the KSU AGM on Wednesday 18th April.
An essential requirement of democracy is participation. Participation involves not only contesting elections, it requires people to exercise their right to vote. As time elapsed, technology progressed and so did democracy.
Unfortunately, in the past years, elections for University of Malta student council have experienced very low participation rates when it comes to voting – some 30%. As a result, I have proposed a number of amendments in order to facilitate and commit the KSU electoral commission to organise the annual KSU elections online via online voting, instead of the traditional ballot method.
It is important to be aware that University Senate, Council and Student Representative elections have been taking place online for the past 3 years with great success. It is only natural that KSU elections follow suit.
This is an opportunity to increase interest and participation, incite debate and maturity, engage a level playing field for all candidates and promote the efficient use of the limited resources and time that we have.
Whilst the system exists, all is left is the political will to change. Next Wednesday, I invite you to join me during KSU’s AGM and write history together. Let us set an example by being catalysts for change.