Celebrating ASCS’ 25th Anniversary

Last Saturday was a special day for the outgoing ASCS executive, as the members celebrated the end of their term together with the organisation’s 25th anniversary. After a successful year, with events such as one of the first ever colour festivals in Malta, ’Life in Technicolour’, the ’Madrid Para Todos’ business trip, a coding seminar, and several local business trips, amongst many others, it is safe to say that the outgoing executive should be proud of their accomplishments, as they prepare to pass on the reigns to a newly elected executive in the upcoming week. The Third Eye also had the chance to ask a few questions to Tisa Fenech, outgoing ASCS President, about her time in this organisation and this special milestone.

As another term comes to a close, it is, once again, time for a change in the ASCS executive. How satisfied are you with the work you and your team have carried out this year, and what are your feelings about finally having to part ways with the organisation?

At the start of the term, I only knew two team members – the rest were complete strangers. To break the ice, I initially named our Facebook group ’The Dream Team’. One year later, I know that we were far from perfect, but I believe that this group of individuals happened to be exactly what the organisation needed at the time. We argued, laughed and cried countless times – but I am proud of what we have accomplished. It was a year of firsts, and proved to be challenging for all. But when I look back, I believe that we managed to achieve a lot. With regards to leaving the organisation, I know it’s not going to be easy. ASCS has been a part of my life since first year, and I know that I will miss it dearly. I’ve had a good two years and I know that I will be leaving the organisation in good hands – no matter the outcome of next Friday’s election.

It is safe to say that ASCS represents one of the biggest faculties at University: FEMA. How does this help making your job easier, and what problems does it also cause for the organisation?

We represent a total of over 1,600 students – this means that our events have a large reach, which definitely has its benefits. It also serves as a great selling point to potential sponsors. However, we do face some challenges – mostly due to the fact that our faculty has seven different departments. Our students study very different things, which is what makes FEMA unique. Yet, trying to create an event which will interest a Statistician, a Marketer and an Accountant simultaneously is definitely not easy.

If there was one thing you could change about your 2/3 years in this organisation, what would it be?

I think it would be to get more people involved sooner. During my first year, we had one subcommittee with nine members. This year we introduced four different subcommittees and in my opinion, that really made a difference.  Not only was the workload more manageable for the exec – it gave ASCS a new energy.

How has ASCS grown and changed, ever since it started 25 years ago?

The organisation was initially set up with the intent of getting students involved and to fight student apathy. Although this still remains one of our main challenges, ASCS has evolved and now focuses on different aspects. Over the years, educational events were introduced as well as opportunities to travel. I feel that ASCS has come a long way – but it definitely still has a long way to go!

What would you consider to be the long-term plan of ASCS?

ASCS will develop and cater to students’ needs as they change over the years. In my opinion, the organisation should seek to develop branches in MCAST and other institutes which offer commerce courses — yet, this will all depend on the priorities set by the next executive teams.

Any words of wisdom you would like to pass on to the upcoming executive?

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure of what comes next, or how to do things. The beauty of being involved in a student organisation is that you learn as you go along, making mistakes and learning from them.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is motivation. If you can keep motivated and motivate others – you are already half way towards achieving your goals.

We would like to send our best wishes to all students who will be contesting to form part of the new executive during the Annual General Meeting to be held next Friday, while offering our congratulations to the outgoing executive for all the hard work throughout the year!

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About Shaun Cassar 26 Articles
Shaun is a 19 year-old Bachelor of Commerce third year student, majoring in Accountancy and Marketing. Not one to spend his time twiddling his thumbs, Shaun forms part of The Third Eye’s Executive team as the Financial Officer, as well as part of the Education sub-committee of ASCS. He works as an EFL teacher as well as an animateur for the english language school NSTS. Besides sports, Shaun enjoys travelling, books and adventures, as clearly shown in his own articles.