Junior College Archives - The Third Eye https://thirdeyemalta.com/category/campus/jc/ The Students' Voice Tue, 27 Dec 2022 10:50:19 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/thirdeyemalta.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-logoWhite-08-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Junior College Archives - The Third Eye https://thirdeyemalta.com/category/campus/jc/ 32 32 140821566 5 GB – The New University Google Storage Quota https://thirdeyemalta.com/5-gb-the-new-university-google-storage-quota/ Tue, 27 Dec 2022 10:50:15 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=11724 IT services have issued out priority emails pertaining to the reduction in Google Workspace storage. A quota of 5GB has been stipulated for Google Workspace [...]

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IT services have issued out priority emails pertaining to the reduction in Google Workspace storage. A quota of 5GB has been stipulated for Google Workspace storage concerning UM/JC student accounts. Students, especially those making heavy use of this platform, are required to go over their Google Workspace to avoid subsequent restrictions.

What Exactly Happened?

Google has been revisiting many policies concerning its operations in the past few years. Whilst these have enhanced their platforms, there have also been drawbacks in certain areas. For instance, in 2021 storage space per Google Account had been confined to 15GB.

A similar problem has cropped up, now also impacting the educational side of students’ lives. Factoring in the quota imposition on Google Workspace for Education, UM/JC students now have a maximum of 5GB worth of storage assigned towards their Google Workspace storage.

Although 5GB is still quite a lot in terms of storage space, it still imposes a burden on students who make heavy use of this workspace for their studies, whilst accounting for notes, books and other materials required for their studies.

The unlimited amount of data had served a great purpose to students, so it may be quite unfair on students to see such heavy restrictions. That said, we understand that Google might implement certain changes that would require IT Services to take the corresponding measures.

Alex Gaglione – KSU President

What do students need to do?

In case you overlooked or deleted the email that was issued, don’t fret. Here’s a quick summary of what you need to do by 18th January 2023:

  1. Log into your UM/JC student Google account and delete data that don’t relate to your current studies.
  2. Look at how much storage you’re using after removing the extra data mentioned in the first step
  3. Students who are using less than 5 GB don’t need to undertake further actions. If you are still making use of more than 5 GB, IT services require you to reduce storage below the threshold. If there are any issues you encounter with the latter step you are asked to fill in this form, so to avoid any impediments in Google Services (if the 5 GB limit has been exceeded.

Google Drive Storage Feedback

KSU – Google Drive Storage Survey

The reliability and convenience rendered by Google Drive is not unknown by UM students. As such KSU, along with other university organisations, are acquiring responses to better comprehend how students make use of such data. In turn, the feedback will help KSU to take the necessary actions with regards to this matter. If you wish to participate in this short survey you are kindly asked to click the following link.

As KSU we wish to understand the students’ data usage so that such information can help to find a way forward regarding this situation.

Alex Gaglione – KSU President

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KSJC 2022 Election – New President Announced https://thirdeyemalta.com/ksjc-2022-election-new-president-announced/ Sat, 12 Nov 2022 11:21:42 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=11344 The results of the eagerly anticipated KSJC election have finally been published! It is now official that Jake Muscat has been appointed as President for [...]

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The results of the eagerly anticipated KSJC election have finally been published! It is now official that Jake Muscat has been appointed as President for KSJC and will be in charge of leading his colleagues; Kyle Cachia, Maria Kate Abdilla, Aidan Falzon, Michela Mormina, Sarah Cachia, Jaelle Abela, and Jamie Galea, for the upcoming academic year.

Recap of essential information before the election

In case you missed out on the previous KSJC 2022 article here is a compressed summary:

  • 7 from 8 candidates acting on behalf of Pulse, due to the absence of SDM, had been automatically elected
  • Jake Muscat and Cody Parnis were the two candidates running up for the role of President within KSJC

Final Results

The votes as per the KSJC 2022 Election Page are:

  • 277 votes for Cody Parnis
  • 749 votes for Jake Muscat
Jake Muscat

Since Jake, who is acting on behalf of on Pulse, has become the new President, the entire Pulse team will be leading KSJC for the 7th consecutive year.

On behalf of The Third Eye, we wish the team a fruitful year ahead!

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All you need to know before the KSJC election https://thirdeyemalta.com/all-you-need-to-know-before-the-ksjc-election/ Wed, 09 Nov 2022 10:58:06 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=11234 Another scholastic year has emerged, which inevitably means that Junior College will be setting up the grand stage for the KSJC Election. Major developments in [...]

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Another scholastic year has emerged, which inevitably means that Junior College will be setting up the grand stage for the KSJC Election.

Major developments in the KSJC election

The most substantial change for the 2022/2023 election came about when SDM did not appoint itself to compete against Pulse for the election that will be taking place on the 11th of November 2022. This is an uncommon phenomena, particularly within JC, as it is renown for being the hub for extravagant elections when matched with other post-secondary educational institutions.

The rationale behind the withdrawal is because SDM is presently undergoing a self-evaluation where it is looking to amend its framework.

KSJC is intended to better the student life on campus, and as SDM we feel like that the purpose of the council has moved away from its purpose these last few years. As SDM we are currently conducting a self assessment exercise in order to rediscover our values and our purpose, in order to be able to represent the student body as a whole once again, hence why the decision not to contest was taken. Going forward we would like to emphasize the fact that student organisations such as SDM, are present in order to be catalysts of change and not just as electoral machines. Having said that, SDM pledges that going forward it will once again, be the voice of all students in all institutions around Malta and Gozo.

How will this affect the KSJC election?

7 out of 8 candidates representing Pulse have automatically been appointed, with the only position being contested for, given the status quo, is the presidential role.

Despite SDM’s absence in this year’s election, individual candidate Cody Parnis will still be competing against Pulse’s leader, Jake Muscat. The clash amongst the two participants allows for a more democratic approach in today’s modern age. Pulse has voiced its concerns regarding the situation but encourages students to vote nonetheless.

I am more than ready for next Friday’s election, if elected I vouch to keep representing all JC students, this time as President of the council.

Jake Muscat
Jake Muscat

As far as plans go I’m a very step by step person, however I see it as my mission to do whatever I can to better the quality of life for JC students and am and always will be open to suggestions. Why should students vote for me? I believe that the only reason students should vote for me is if they genuinely believe I will be there to back them up and help them out

Cody Parnis
Cody Parnis

On behalf of The Third Eye, we wish both candidates the best of luck!

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The First Battle of the 2022 General Election https://thirdeyemalta.com/the-first-battle-of-the-2022-general-election/ Thu, 10 Mar 2022 16:20:55 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=10323 Written By The Third Eye In collaboration with A Bird’s Eye View Malta University Debating Union (MUDU) , which is an initiative between KSU and [...]

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Written By The Third Eye In collaboration with A Bird’s Eye View

Malta University Debating Union (MUDU) , which is an initiative between KSU and University of Malta, held its General Election debate on March 10th where five political party leaders were asked to discuss their proposals.

However, what was thought to be a civil debate between political parties turned into a negative experience for some students. Some students who managed to fill out the online form before the registration form crashed did not even receive a confirmation email, meaning they could not attend. This did not only happen to one student who was unfortunate in filling out their form, but to several others, who, even though had the required vaccine certificate and filled the form in time, did not receive the email confirming their attendance.

Moreover, photographs and videographers were asked to leave the debate a few minutes after the debate had started whilst there were ample seats available for them to sit in.

Furthermore, There were several reports of students not managing to reserve a place due to allocation of seats to several party members and youths party representatives.

Spectators of the event could easily make out the difference in the parties present:


Confronted both the Nationalist and Labour party over their environmental and development proposals. Furthermore, ABBA answered questions but frequently confronted Robert Abela and Bernard Grech, especially on the topic of abortion, to which ABBA repeated their stance against the morning after pill and abortion. This created quite a reaction from the students present in Sir Temi Zammit Hall.

Ivan Grech Mintoff continued his argument by stating that while he and his party are not against homosexuality, they are against what the MGRM (Malta Gay Rights Movement) stands for. Moreover, he stated his position against the tunnel connecting Malta and Gozo.


Carmel Cacopardo as leader for the ADPD answered the questions asked, instead of retaliating against his respective opponents. Cacopardo laid out his arguments in favour of a greener Malta through his proposal to increase protection of ODZ land whilst his argument that there is no space for a racing track and the limited area of land that is Malta.

When speaking about how ADPD would support artists, Cacopardo made a jab towards the budget allocated for the Malta Film Festival by the current Labour Government.

Partit Popolari

Paul Salamone started his speech talking about the current situation of the war in Ukraine, whilst referencing his experience in war-torn countries to which he felt emotional towards. Salamone continued his debate whilst emphasizing a more efficient transport system. He further talked about the rising housing prices and claimed that small apartments will start from a quarter of a million euro.

Salamone also argued in favour of providing women who wish to pursue abortion with aid and spoke in favour in adoption. Moreover, he stated his position against the tunnel connecting Malta and Gozo.

Nationalist Party

The leader of the PN, Bernard Grech did not waste time and immediately started throwing several Jabs at the Prime minister Robert Abela and his Party such as accusing the labour Party of Plagiarising their Manifesto. Grech talked about several issues such as the reality of inflation to which PN government will allocate a specific fund to tackle the issue. Grech continued to mention several proposals such as trackless tram to solve issues from public transport. Other issues raised by Grech, included the disastrous track record of the Labour Government with respect to the environment. Another PN proposal aimed towards students included a 25% increase in stipends for students that partake in student organisations and other NGO`s.

Labour Party

The Prime minister Robert Abela talked about several issues in the debate retaliating to the attacks from opposition leader Bernard Grech. Abela emphasised the tax refunds in the forms of cheques that will go out to the Maltese families in the coming days and weeks. In in response to Bernard Grech comments on the labour government track record on the environment Abela went on to mention the several environmental project and the vision of the labour government in regard to the environment. A certain issue was raised by ABBA leader Ivan Grech Mintoff where he argued that our current stance on the vaccine is discriminatory, to which Abela replied, emphasising not to make the vaccine a political argument. Abela also continued to talk about more proposals from the Labour government such as free public transport by this coming October.


While Volt was not invited to the debate, the candidates of the party showed up at the University to protest their exclusion from the debate. During their protest, candidates of Volt were interviewed by members of the Third Eye where they explained why they are protesting and showcased a number of their proposals. For the full interview click here.

Debate Conclusion

This debate marks the first time the Major political parties faced each other head to head. A point that the major political parties took seriously focusing much of the debate on responding and counter arguing each other while the smaller parties stick to safety by answering questions directly.

This debate attracted a lot of backlash from the general student population especially with regard to organization and reported selectivity in attendance and parties involved. However, It should be noted the general state of professionalism and efforts that was put into this by The KSU and University of Malta given the short period of time they had.

Photo Credit: Matthew Schembri

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Pulse wins KSJC 2021 elections https://thirdeyemalta.com/pulse-wins-ksjc-2021elections/ Fri, 12 Nov 2021 17:46:51 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=9710 Following the KSJC Election Night on the 12th of November, 8 Pulse candidates have been successfully elected into the council. This is Pulse’s 6th consecutive [...]

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Following the KSJC Election Night on the 12th of November, 8 Pulse candidates have been successfully elected into the council. This is Pulse’s 6th consecutive year that they have been elected by the student body.


  • Pulse – Jade Muscat – 864
  • SDM – Natalya Stivala – 362


  • Pulse – Kieran Muscat – 850
  • SDM – Mariah Mangion – 350


  • Pulse – Faith Casha – 830
  • SDM – Leanne Laferla – 351

Secretary General:

  • Pulse – Yan Trovato – 867
  • SDM – Yana Zammit – 341

Finance Officer:

  • Pulse – Kylie Bonnici – 858
  • SDM – Jake Ancilleri – 334


  • Pulse – Jake Spiteri Montebello – 824
  • SDM – Wayne Vassallo – 372


  • Pulse – Sarah Cachia – 836
  • SDM: Kelly Formosa – 358


  • Pulse – Jake Muscat – 823
  • SDM – Jaedon Lee Zammit – 390

The Third Eye would like to congratulate both parties on their hard work during the campaign, and we wish Pulse a fruitful and eventful year!

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SDM vs Pulse: The debate that didn’t happen https://thirdeyemalta.com/sdmvspulse-the-debate-that-didnt-happen/ Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:47:12 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=9703 The KSJC debate between the two organisations has become a staple event for The Third Eye. It is an annual tradition where the students witness [...]

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The KSJC debate between the two organisations has become a staple event for The Third Eye. It is an annual tradition where the students witness both organisations engage in a heated discussion about their respective manifestos.

It is an event that multiple JC students look forward to every year but unfortunately, that tradition was broken. Both SDM and Pulse were contacted but Pulse decided not to participate.

The Third Eye went to great lengths to find a time that accommodates both parties, communicating with both presidents at all times. The debate was planned to take place on the 10th of November at 6PM, two days prior the election. Pulse was the one who suggested the debate be moved to 4PM, indicating their initial interest.

Isaak Koroma, Pulse President, was contacted again for confirmation and he stated that Pulse is unable to attend due to other commitments and activities planned for the day, leaving them no time to participate in the yearly debate.

Their refusal to participate halted the planning, leaving members and students alike baffled as to why the debate was not yet announced and why it is not taking place. SDM released a statement after we contacted them that due to unforeseen circumstances, the debate will not take place.

The Third Eye would like to point out that both organisations were contacted as soon as the manifestos are out, which is what the organisation does every year. We are an unbiased organisation and we are saddened that it turned out this way.

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Strive For Change | SDM announces candidates for KSJC Elections 2021/22 https://thirdeyemalta.com/strive-for-change-sdm-announces-candidates-for-ksjc-elections-202122/ Wed, 03 Nov 2021 15:16:01 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=9691 SDM has just announced their team of eight candidates for the KSJC 2021 Elections. They also launched their electoral campaign for this year entitled Strive for [...]

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SDM has just announced their team of eight candidates for the KSJC 2021 Elections. They also launched their electoral campaign for this year entitled Strive for Change

The following is the full list of the candidates for KSJC 2021:

  • Wayne Vassallo
  • Kelly Formosa
  • Jaedon Zammit
  • Mariah Mangion
  • Jake Ancilleri
  • Yana Zammit
  • Leanne Laferla
  • Natalya Stivala

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“Together for More”- Pulse announces candidates for KSJC Elections 2021/22 https://thirdeyemalta.com/together-for-more-pulse-announces-candidates-for-ksjc-elections/ Tue, 26 Oct 2021 13:48:00 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=9671 With another scholastic year commencing at G.F Abela, Junior College, another KSJC Election is in order. The air of anticipation amongst JC students is ever [...]

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With another scholastic year commencing at G.F Abela, Junior College, another KSJC Election is in order. The air of anticipation amongst JC students is ever present. Will Pulse achieve the record-breaking sixth consecutive term in the helm of KSJC this year?

If Pulse is to fill in these rather big shoes, they must select a set of candidates that are willing to represent each and every student should they be elected in the coming year.

Pulse Candidates 2021/22

Having said that, Pulse has selected a set of candidates that bring experience, energy and determination to the table. Pulse claims that these student are ready to give their all for the benefit of every student.

The candidates on behalf of Pulse are :

  • Sarah Cachia
  • Jake Spiteri Montebello
  • Jake Muscat
  • Kylie Bonnici
  • Yan Trovato
  • Faith Casha
  • Kieran Muscat
  • Jade Muscat

Together For More

The slogan “Together For More” shall be the basis of this campaign. It revolves around the Pulse’s principle foundation- the sense of togetherness, which Pulse emerged victoriously upon.

With a united front, the council can achieve much more as a student body, hence proving fruitful in its works for every student to benefit from. Moreover, Pulse is not done yet and is ready for more.

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Pulse wins KSJC Election 2020 https://thirdeyemalta.com/pulse-wins-ksjc-election-2020/ Sat, 28 Nov 2020 07:49:14 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=7783 Following the KSJC Election Night on the 27th of November, 8 Pulse candidates have been successfully elected into the council. This is Pulse’s 5th consecutive [...]

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Following the KSJC Election Night on the 27th of November, 8 Pulse candidates have been successfully elected into the council. This is Pulse’s 5th consecutive year that they have been elected by the student body.

With a 400 vote difference from each category, this marks the biggest win in history for the KSJC Election. The following are the official results following today’s 2020 KSJC election:


  • Pulse – Andre Camilleri 897
  • SDM – Matteo Mangion 454

Here’s what newly elected Pulse president Andre Camilleri had to say:

All I can say is a huge thank you to all Junior College students! We are truly overwhelmed with the result and we are aware that this puts more pressure on ourselves to not disappoint. I promise that alongside my team, we will do our utmost to represent each and every Junior College student.


  • Pulse – Karl Schembri 860
  • SDM – Kylie Zammit 492


  • Pulse – Zack Mangani 889
  • SDM – Leah Barber 465

Secretary General

  • Pulse – Erika Mallia 845
  • SDM – Krista Hili 508

Financial Officer

  • Pulse – Thea Aquilina 828
  • SDM – Emilia Galdes 519


  • Pulse – Jade Muscat 854
  • SDM – Cleaven Cassar 501


  • Pulse – Maria Zerafa 851
  • SDM – Natalya Stivala 490


  • Pulse – Bahri Hanan 820
  • SDM – Gianluca Tanti 541

The Third Eye wishes the best to Pulse for the following term!

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BREAKING: SDM accuses Pulse of rigging the KSJC Election 2020 https://thirdeyemalta.com/breaking-sdm-accuses-pulse-of-rigging-the-ksjc-election-2020/ Fri, 27 Nov 2020 14:44:36 +0000 https://thirdeyemalta.com/?p=7765 SDM suspects that Pulse officials have voted on behalf of Junior College students by pressuring and manipulating said students. This is done by providing their [...]

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SDM suspects that Pulse officials have voted on behalf of Junior College students by pressuring and manipulating said students.

This is done by providing their voting link, thus rigging the election and depriving them of the right to vote.

Earlier today, screenshots have been circulating around various JC and University students which indicated manipulations in the KSJC Online Elections.

SDM has issued a statement on this matter accusing Pulse of rigging this year’s online elections by using JC student’s voting link to vote for their respective candidates. Along with their statement, SDM also shared the screenshots themselves on the page.

ksjc elections

A few moments later, KSJC issued an official statement targeting the matter and clearing out all the issues between the two parties.

ksjc elections

Pulse responded to this accusation a few minutes later by releasing a statement on their Facebook page clarifying their faith in the Electoral Commission as well as denying the accusations stated by SDM. Pulse ended their statement by wishing all the candidates good-luck on this evening’s results.

ksjc elections

SDM has just now posted a video discussing the matter.

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