Can Juventus really go to ’Berlino’?

May 13, 2014 Adrian Attard 0

It was exactly nine summers ago, the summer when Italy managed to conquest their fourth World Cup trophy in history, that the Italian Football Federation condemned Juventus to Serie B as well as seeing them stripped of 2005 and 2006 Serie A titles.

Gh.S.T. Elects its new Executive

May 9, 2014 Evan Demicoli 0

On May 7th 2014, the Theology Students Association, more known as Gh.S.T., held its Annual General Meeting. The members present had to wait for 5 long hours before the new executive was elected.

#tdm10Challenge Launch

May 6, 2014 Editor 0

As correctly introduced by Mr Ducan, who has seen Terra Di Mezzo (TDM) 2000 Malta flourish over the past ten years, the aforementioned organisation is “a medium to be active and participate in society”.

Can War Ever Be Justified?

April 29, 2014 Julian Delia 0

During one particularly long study session in which I was studying Ethics of Philosophy, my attention shifted to one topic in particular – the topic of war and whether it is an act which can be justified or not.