The 6 TV Opening Themes that Make the Show

March 4, 2015 Editor 0

We remember TV shows most times for their amazing characters, great plots, moments that made us cry with laughter and others that made us shout with rage and hurt and a well-timed "No!’ at the screen.

Dear Apple Users, Android is Doing Better

February 27, 2015 Glenn Cauchi 0

The famous technological debate…whose side are you on? It is a fact that it’s a topic of extensive discussion amongst many people and it probably always will be. At the end of it, it all boils down to one’s preference.

The Joel C. Chronicles

February 26, 2015 Tamira Spiteri 0

How many times have the infamous “I Love Music” events been the butt of our jokes? Well, the organiser, Joel C., has once again returned to the teen party scene, becoming the protagonist of recent headlines.

SDM against Spring Hunting

February 23, 2015 Editor 0

Less than two months away from the Spring Hunting Referendum, Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM) has just released a press release stating their stand on spring hunting, whereby the organisation expresses that it is in favour of its abolishment.

Happy Birthday Baggio!

February 15, 2015 Kurt Baldacchino 0

Starting his career at Vicenza, Roberto Baggio had already showed his potential at an early stage, demonstrating his talent and despite his young age, he deserved a shot at the first team.