11 Tips to Becoming a Better Person this Year

January 6, 2016 Andrea Bezzina 0

The better person you are, the better people, life situations and opportunities you will attract in your life. This is no mystery; there is no need for complex mathematical equations to understand this. What you give, you simply get back.

2015 – Year in Review

December 29, 2015 Jessica Camilleri 0

It’s that time of the year again, when Facebook invites you to review your year. Even if, overall, you’ve had a good year, you are still anxious that Facebook will remind you of that one memory that you want to forget.

Christmas in Different Cultures

December 28, 2015 Lara Zerafa 0

As they say, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the time where every house gets brighter and ovens are really tested to their limits whilst making some of the most incredible mince pies, Christmas cakes and Christmas logs.

TSA: The Downfall?

December 19, 2015 Editor 0

Ever since Gilbert (Gilli) Amato Gauci was elected in the Kunsill Studneti Universitarji (KSU) last April, Tourism Studies Association (TSA)’s work and efforts have been far from plain sailing.

Luke Muscat Bids Farewell to SDM

December 9, 2015 Shaun Cassar 0

Honestly, I’m currently having mixed emotions. I feel very sad that my time in SDM has come to an end, however, I am certain and confident that I am leaving the organisation in good hands.