How Far will Exams Take You?

January 30, 2016 Chiara Farrugia 0

Yes, you are studying for your future and for a subject that you will possibly have to dedicate your whole career to – yet, even if you love the subject, exams may tend to deviate you from your passion and opinions.

This Exceptional Girl I Met…

January 23, 2016 Tamika Agius 0

Last year, when I got into college, as you might imagine, I got to know new people. Different stereotypes, new faces, different styles and different characters. The first week of college is the best yet the most confusing one.

Emmy Bezzina Smashed

January 22, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

It is beautiful to see a democratic country functioning properly. It is beautiful to live in a country where freedom of speech is enhanced.

Where do Muslims Belong?

January 12, 2016 Editor 0

This week, heated discussions took place on Maltese social media following a public Muslim worship gathering held in Msida next to the Parish church.