JCA: One Year Later

On Friday 22nd April 2016 the outgoing Executive of the Junior Chamber of Advocates will present their final report during the Annual General Meeting.   This will be followed by elections for the Executive Board 2016/17.

SDM Retains KSU Office

April 13, 2016 Editor 0

In spite of the fact that no KSU election was held this year, Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM)’s candidates were approved during today’s Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU)’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

YouthSpeak Forum

March 29, 2016 Editor 0

The YouthSpeak Forum, powered by AIESEC, held on the 17th of March 2015 at the Microsoft Innovation Centre, Hal-Luqa gathered Maltese locals and internationals in order to discuss the feasibility of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Artistic Side of the Brussels Attacks

March 23, 2016 Editor 0

While during the past two days, the whole world, particularl Europe, sympathised with Brussels, some people on social media decided to express their sorrow and grief by making use of their artistic minds.

KSU President on Newly Elected Rector

March 19, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

As yesterday evening, Chemistry Professor, Alfred Vella was elected as the successor of Professor Juanito Camillero as the Rector of the University of Malta, KSU (Kunsill Student Universitarji) President Rebecca Micallef spoke to The Third Eye

GhSL AGM: Marking the End of a Successful Term

March 15, 2016 Maria Camilleri 0

Yesterday marked the end of term for the 2015/2016 executive board members of the GhSL organisation. GhSL has had a rather eventful year as it ventured to enrich the organisation and provide an abundance of opportunities to students studying law.

The Labour Government: Three Years On

March 8, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

Even the most diehard and unrealistic Nationalist probably knew that the Nationalist Party was doomed to lose the elections and the Labour Party was set to return to the Government benches after a long 25 years in the Opposition.