7 Best Gene Wilder Movie Memories

August 30, 2016 Editor 0

Last night, news broke that comedic actor, Gene Wilder, passed away late on Sunday night at his home in Stamford, Connecticut, of complications from Alzheimer’s disease.

Stipend: What’s Your Gender?

August 29, 2016 Editor 0

Students applying for their stipend via the government website (https://studentgrants.gov.mt/) this year may notice something different in the application process.

Michael Piccinino Elected as KNZ President

August 27, 2016 Ilenia Agius 0

After a period of turmoil within the KNZ, the council has finally turned over a new leaf. New  President Michael Piccinino,  is definitely a familiar face with many University students and it is precisely for this reason that things are  finally  loo

KNZ | 11 Candidates to Save the Day?

August 17, 2016 Editor 0

Some statements are simply undeniable. For instance, to say that the world revolves around the sun is undeniable and to say that the universe started from the Big Bang explosion is also undeniable.

The 12 Emotions of a UOM Student

August 16, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

Getting into the University of Malta is definitely an achievement, but those who claim that being a student at Malta’s University is easy, have probably never stepped foot on campus grounds.