Archives Archives - The Third Eye The Students' Voice Fri, 09 Feb 2018 23:05:31 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Archives Archives - The Third Eye 32 32 140821566 KNŻ launch a New Website on the Occasion of the Council’s 25th Anniversary Fri, 03 Nov 2017 15:00:00 +0000 KNŻ celebrated 25 years since its very first Council.

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Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ (KNŻ) organised an event at the DB San Antonio Hotel on the 21st October 2017, to celebrate 25 years since its very first council.

For this special occassion, KNŻ Members, Organisations and friends, were all invited to celebrate 25 years of hard work for the benefit of Maltese youth over a drink and some finger food. On this special occassion, the President of Malta, Leader of Opposition and Hon. Clifton Grima also attended and shared a few words with all those present, all emphasising the importance that youth interest themselves in their country’s development and continue to work hard for a true sense of nationhood.

President of the Council, Michael Piccinino also shared some thoughts with the attendees about all the progress and initiatives from the Council’s part to always ensure that the council is an organ of youth and youth organisations. Other members of the organisation, including Secretary General, Sean Ellul, National Officer, Jasmine Farrugia and Public Relations Officer, Monique Agius, also gave their speeches during the event.

On this occassion, KNŻ also announced that it has expanded its social media presence and can now be followed on Instagram @knzmalta. Moreover, KNŻ also launched a brand new website Here, anyone can keep up with the latest information which benefits youth, learn more about the Council and its events such as the National Youth Parliament as well as follow up on international opportunities available such as Star of Europe and PACE – Peace Action Cooperation in Europe.

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Throwback Thursday: The 2012 Mixed Council Thu, 02 Nov 2017 15:05:00 +0000 For those who have attended at Junior College in the past two decades, undoubtedly they have heard of the intense rivalry between SDM and Pulse.

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For those who have attended at Junior College in the past two decades, undoubtedly they have heard of the intense rivalry between SDM and Pulse.

Year after year, the two organisations battle each other, in order to elect their respective candidates in the Junior College Student Council — also known as KSJC or il-Kunsill. Usually, one of the two organisations manages to get enough votes to elect all its seven members, but usually does not mean always.

Those born in 1995, 1996 and 1997, probably remember the 2012 mixed council. After five consecutive years of Pulse in the KSJC, in 2012 SDM managed to elect four members in the Council, who were; Steve Zammit Lupi (now KSU Vice-President), Kurt Drakard, Simon Forster and Jeannette Gillard. Meanwhile Pulse elected Claire Azzopardi, Ayrton Mifsud (now Pulse’s President) and Daniel Camilleri.

As expected, there were variosu frictions between in the council during that term, which frictions also became more visible when the council presented its work a year later, during the 2013 Annual General Meeting.

While both Steve Zammit Lupi and Ayrton Mifsud are still both involved in student activism, all seven members of the council have gone separate ways since then.

The pictures below will show how each of the seven members of the council looked in 2012 (left) and how they look now, 2017 (right).

President – Claire Azzopardi

Secretary General – Steve Zammit Lupi

Public Relations Officer – Simon Forster

Education Commissioner – Ayrton Mifsud

Social Policy Commissioner – Daniel Camilleri

Culture and Entertainment Officer – Kurt Drakard

Financial Officer – Jeannette Gillard

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JEF Malta’s Generation Europe; An Opportunity to discuss a Common European Future Wed, 25 Oct 2017 15:34:00 +0000 JEF launch their Campaign

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On the 28th of October, JEF Malta will be launching their ’Generation Europe’ campaign giving students the opportunity to discuss a common European future. The opening ceremony, entitled ’Towards a European Army? – A Common European Security and Defence Policy’, will be held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Apart from serving as an introduction to the campaign, this launch will be attended by several notable dignitaries and politicians; such as the Hon Minister Carmelo Abela, Hon Minister Michael Farrugia and Former Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi. The format of the campaign will take the form of several day seminars throughout the year.

The first part of each seminar will consist of an interactive, hands-on workshop that will give information and allow for brainstorming for solutions, whilst focusing on soft skills such as critical thinking and debating. This will be then followed by a debate made up of a panel of experts and policy-makers, where participants will be able to apply the knowledge acquired earlier in the seminar and actively participate in the debate.

Vice-President of JEF Malta, Christian Aquilina explains that; “I urge students to attend the launch of our campaign, ’Generation Europe’, as the topic will surely give rise to a fruitful discussion. Moreover, short breaks and a free lunch will also be provided for the attendees. I highly recommend attendance as it is a contemporary topic that needs to be dealt with, especially due to current affairs all around Europe. Make sure you RSVP for this year’s launch as places are limited.”

For more information, interested students are urged to visit the Facebook Event on:

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KSJC Elections Set for November 10th Wed, 25 Oct 2017 12:26:00 +0000 This afternoon, KSJC has just released an official statement, that the date for this year’s Annual General Meeting is going to be today week, Wednesday 1st November.

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This afternoon, KSJC has just released an official statement, that the date for this year’s Annual General Meeting is going to be today week, Wednesday 1st November.

The AGM is arguably the most expected event in the Junior College calendar, during which, the Junior College Council presents both its annual and financial reports, both of which need to be approved by the students present.

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KSJC Elections – What Will Happen in the Coming Weeks Tue, 24 Oct 2017 17:27:00 +0000 With the Junior College election fast approaching, it is only just to shed some light on the euphoric experience a student goes through at this time of year.

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With the Junior College election fast approaching, it is only just to shed some light on the euphoric experience a student goes through at this time of year.

From September to November students are met by two of Malta’s heavyweight student organizations; Pulse and SDM. During these months, they will attempt to outline the main difference between organizations, by showcasing various proposals and visions for what they believe to be a better Junior College.

For Second Years who have seen it all, this hype and excitements is nothing new. However it is certain that the majority of first years who decide to participate in the election and become active members in either organization are in for one hell of a ride. Gatherings, Wednesday Meetings, Campaigns and so on are the norm this time of year so a word of advice – get ready!

With Article 5.5 of the KSJC Statute stating; “The Annual General Meeting can be announced not less than 1 month after the start of the scholastic year.” The election is expected to take place in the month of November, leaning towards the third or fourth week. With the Scholastic Year having started on the 2nd of October, the minimum the date can be announced, is the 1st or 2nd of November. Let the games begin!

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Share what you Can – Initiative to help those in need by SDM Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:15:00 +0000 SDM issued an initiative to ensure that the Valletta Food Bank’s supplies are secured.

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Following the risk that the Valletta Food Bank has been facing recently, SDM issued an initiative to ensure that the food bank’s supplies are secured.

This bank is run by the St Andrew’s Scots Church and it provides supplies for all the Maltese families facing financial problems.

Therefore, on Wednesday 25th October, SDM will be collecting food at Junior College, urging students to share what they can.  

SDM has stated that it will be donating whatever food is collected to the Valletta Food Bank later on during the week.

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Pulse and SDM to Contest ITS Elections Tue, 24 Oct 2017 09:53:00 +0000 As the Junior College elections are expected to take place at some point in November, this year for the first time, Pulse and SDM shall be locking their horns for the council of the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS).

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As the Junior College elections are expected to take place at some point in November, this year for the first time, Pulse and SDM shall be locking their horns for the council of the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS).

With the elections taking place on October 30th,  both Pulse and SDM are being represented by a team of five candidates each.

The SDM team is composed of Britney Bartolo, Jake Ghirlando, Nicole Schembri, Petra Dingli and Jaydine Parnis, with the latter contesting for the Presidential role.

Meanwhile the candidates launched by Pulse for these elections are Luke Azzopardi, Dillon Portelli, Kurt Schembri, Amber Galea and Sean Galan, who shall be contesting for President.

The Third Eye team would like to take this opportunity to encourage all those students who are carrying their studies at the ITS to be active and participate in these elections.

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GħSL and Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates Launch International Moot Court Event to Washington D.C. Mon, 23 Oct 2017 19:10:00 +0000 GħSL is currently preparing a local moot court preceding the international rounds of the prestigious Phillip C. Jessup
International Moot Court.

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The Malta Law Students’ Society (GħSL), is a non-profit law student organisation, and the
only faculty-based law student organisation on campus.

GħSL is currently preparing a local
moot court preceding the international rounds of the prestigious Phillip C. Jessup
International Moot Court. In collaboration with renowned law-firm Chetcuti Cauchi
Advocates, GħSL’s Academic Events team is giving the winners of their local moot court
competition a fully-funded opportunity to represent Malta and the University of Malta and
participate in the International Rounds of the JESSUP International Moot Court Competition
on International Law, which will take place in Washington D.C. between the 1st and the 7th
of April, 2018.

The 2018 edition of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition will be
the 59th edition of the prestigious legal event, with “participants from over 645 law schools,
in 95 countries.” The case will resemble a simulation of a fictional dispute between countries
before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. In the
international rounds, teams will have to prepare both oral and written pleadings, arguing both
the applicant and respondent positions of the case.

The local moot court will be conducted on Friday, the 10th of November, in the Courts of
Malta and will be presided by an expert in the field of international, while the competing
teams will be assessed on the quality of the argument, as well as its presentation.
As it is nearing its 75th year anniversary, GħSL can reflect and look back on its illustrious
history, which has been synonymous with a number of multi-faceted events for law students
on campus. These include high-quality international trips, engaging publications, high-quality
moot courts and thought-provoking policy papers, while simultaneously always standing up
for the rights of law students in Malta. It is thanks to its sterling reputation of delivering highquality
events and dedication towards the law student body that GħSL has been able to
provide this opportunity to law students.

Special thanks must go to our sponsors Fenech and Fenech Advocates, Notary Spiteri
Debono and Associates, Laferla Insurance and especially to Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates for
funding this incredible opportunity.
For further information, contact GħSL on

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KSJC Abstains from National Demonstration Mon, 23 Oct 2017 16:12:00 +0000 Following the tragic death of one of Malta’s most controversial journalists just a week ago, a national demonstration was held yesterday in the nation’s capital, showing an adamant position against the brutal act.

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Following the tragic death of one of Malta’s most controversial journalists just a week ago, a national demonstration was held yesterday in the nation’s capital, showing an adamant position against the brutal act.

While KSU and a number of student organisations were present for this event, some pointed out that KSJC members did not form part of the large crowd of students who attended the demonstration. Later in the evening, KSJC President Owen Michael Grech, shared a post on his personal Facebook profile, where he described the demonstration as “a politicised protest with the aim to damage the name of our nation.”

The Third Eye contacted the KSJC President, Owen Michael Grech for comments.

“KSJC is in complete favour of freedom of speech, however, the council refuses to participate or join in activities side-by-side with people who call Malta ’a mafia state’,” explained Grech.

“Us students should support freedom of expression in other practices which do not involve encouraging individuals to flood the streets. An example of this is KSU’s vigil at the University of Malta, for which KSJC was present.”

“KSJC does not believe that encouraging people to demonstrate and protest is the way forward – KSJC has never put pressure on students not to attend any demonstration or activity.”

“Students should set an example by straying away from bipartisan mentalities and encouraging other meaningful ways to voice their opinions,” concluded the KSJC President.

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KSU Invites Students to Attend Tomorrow’s National Demonstration Sat, 21 Oct 2017 10:32:00 +0000 Following last Wednesday’s student-vigil on Quadrangle in memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia and a number of other events, a national demonstration is being organised tomorrow in Valletta, organised by Civil Society Network.

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Following last Wednesday’s student-vigil on Quadrangle in memory of Daphne Caruana Galizia and a number of other events, a national demonstration is being organised tomorrow in Valletta, organised by Civil Society Network.

This morning, Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) has sent a text-message to all University students, to let them know that free transport is being organised at 15:00 from University of Malta to the National Demonstration in Valletta. A brief application with personal details was also sent with the message.

“The reason behind supporting tomorrow’s demonstration is that we want to see students standing up for their fundamental rights,” explained KSU President, Robert Napier, when speaking to this news outlet. “We want to pass on the message that students will not be silenced. We are hoping to see the student body unite, putting aside all the differences, and standing up to be counted.”

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