Breastfeeding like a Boss A** Mum

As World Breastfeeding Week comes to a close, we feel it is essential to tackle all aspects of breastfeeding. This includes the importance of the child receiving the appropriate nutrients when needed, from a health perspective. 

It goes without saying that breastfeeding offers a plethora of benefits to both the mother and the baby, but unfortunately society follows an antiquated system where these mothers are shamed for wanting what’s right for their child and are looked down on when breastfeeding in public.

If you want to learn how breastfeed publicly like a Boss A** Mum read along.

1. Make sure that you are comfortable

Especially in the initial stages of public breastfeeding the mother should focus on research. Finding locations where one feels more secure and clothing that facilitates the feed are essential for a comfortable experience. A loose button up shirt would allow the mother to open up as many buttons as required so to allow the baby to latch on, while also exposing herself as much as she wants to. Additionally, the mother could invest in a nursing bra which, as the name implies, facilitates nursing and one can also practice doing and undoing it one-handedly at home.

2. Make sure that the baby is comfortable

Rome was not built in a day and neither does one’s skill when it comes to public breastfeeding. It is essential to modify variables such as location, audience and privacy to understand what your baby is comfortable with. For example, a shy mother might want a nursing cover to breastfeed privately, but the baby might not like it and refuse to feed, here the mother should consider more private locations so to avoid using the cover.

3. Do not be ashamed of exposing yourself in public

Breastfeeding is 100% natural and has been performed since the existence of the first mammal. Think of it this way, if a man can go shirtless at the beach for a tan, a woman should certainly be allowed to freely feed her child in public. It is not the responsibility of the mother if something as natural as breastfeeding is perceived as sexual by the general public.

4. Get you priorities in check

The mother must remember that the main goal of breastfeeding is to provide food for her baby who is fully dependent on her milk to survive. Therefore, the breastfeeding mother should be able to provide food for her baby at any time that he/she desires as older children and adults can simply eat at their own time and independently. Nothing should inhibit this essential process, no stares or bad looks, the mother should simply focus on the task at hand.


Although fist fights are not recommended, it is essential for a mother to know her rights and to be ready to stand up for herself if confronted with nuisances and negative comments, after all she is only doing her duty as a mother to provide for her child.

(Disclaimer: All mothers who care for and do the best for their children are all classified as Boss A** Mums.)Information was sourced from nursing, midwifery, and nutrition UoM students.

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The Malta Health Students Association is a voluntary, senate recognized, students’ association within the University of Malta, representing the students of the Faculty of Health Science – FHS. Now with 10 departments, the Faculty of Health Sciences is one of the larger faculties of the UOM, hence the need for an association was further highlighted. Currently the faculty has over 1000 registered students. Today the MHSA is an active and dynamic association with an executive board made up of 12 different courses.