Bohemian Catastrophe at Glastonbury

I’ve never been one to particularly admire Kanye West, and neither was I too excited upon hearing the news of him headlining Glastonbury (like the majority of the rest of the human race); but each to his own, I always believe. However, then, Mr West decided to have a take on Queen’s legendary and beautifully composed Bohemian Rhapsody managing to completely transform and ruin it in the process.

Who has not at some point of their lives heard or sang to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody? It is perhaps Queen’s greatest masterpiece which Kanye West decided to cover by practically mumbling a few, random words from the song now and then and allowing the audience to sing the rest of it; because, I assume, he realised he was making a joke of himself. In fact, in my humble opinion, the best part of the performance was the beginning, where the original song was on and West had his mouth shut.

But I’m not one to consider myself biased, so I’ll let you judge for yourself. Go on, click on the video above – I know you want to.


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About Maria Manicaro 11 Articles
She loves all things that are simple and considers herself to be a sucker for the arts. She is fascinated by most types of art, especially all that which is contemporary and has a hint of the mystical and the mysterious. She thinks that her main aspirations in life are to be happy and healthy. She does long for an ambitious and successful career, but one which makes her feel happy to go to work every morning.