MHSA, Author at The Third Eye The Students' Voice Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:30:23 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 MHSA, Author at The Third Eye 32 32 140821566 Incorporating Physical Activity in the Daily Lifestyle | MHSA Fri, 14 Apr 2023 08:30:19 +0000 Written by Deborah Ellul Physical activity incorporates a range of physical movement which necessitates energyexpenditure. Any activity that gets your body to move and elevates [...]

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Written by Deborah Ellul

Physical activity incorporates a range of physical movement which necessitates energy
expenditure. Any activity that gets your body to move and elevates your heart rate can be
considered as such. This physical exertion ultimately enhances many health-related matters,
including the improvement of one’s mental health and reducing the chances of risk for
developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and so on.

Be that as it may, today’s lifestyle has altered in a drastic way, carrying with it a lack of time
for people to try to integrate a fraction of some physical activity. Furthermore, some
occupations require us to lead a sedentary lifestyle due to the recent advances in
technologies, further decreasing the incentive of exercise and any benefits that come with
it. However, finding the time to accomplish this goal on a daily basis is far from
unachievable, but prior to its commencement one might require a good mental preparation.
This is an essential aspect due to the close correlation between the body and the mind, and
mental readiness could be a great asset.

One way of commencing this way of living can be through –

  • Making a goal – When one plans a realistic goal that can acclimate to their lifestyle,
    motivation will start to arise and create a more organised way of leading the day.
    This first goal does not have to include big steps, but just the right amount so that it
    can be achievable. An example could be taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day.
    Then the intensity and length can be modified as one goes along.
  • Choosing the right activity – Demotivation usually starts when a person is pursuing
    something which is not of their likeness, and this unfortunately applies to exercise as
    well. It is vital to experiment with what works best and to find that specific activity to
    look forward to when you wake up. If for instance walking is not functional enough,
    try other activities like swimming or dancing.
  • Find a companion – When an activity involves more then one person it becomes
    even more fun and feasible. Additionally, physical activity can be a great time to
    catch up with a friend or with your family. Hiking or riding a bike through a valley for
    instance can undoubtedly make the process even more enjoyable.
  • Utilizing Technology – We are fortunate enough to have technology to assist us in
    keeping track of our daily advancement through distinct applications and fitness
    trackers. These additional tools may support a person to not only stay on top of their
    progress but even maintain the motivation and accountability.

Apart from the above mentioned, physical activity is very versatile and the more one gets
creative with it, the more enjoyable it will become. Taking advantage of opportunities that
may present themselves during the day can also help, as sometimes a scheduled workout
cannot always be attainable. On such hectic days by simply climbing the stairs instead of
using an elevator is already a step forward. It is also vital to switch to different exercises
from time to time. Performing repetitive workouts can be tedious and monotonous if done
periodically and can lessen the engagement even more.

Therefore, incorporating physical activity into our day – to – day routine can for sure make a
change for the better. Motivation at times might fluctuate and lessen but that is not a
reason to stop. It is always prominent to listen to what your body is telling you as on some
days you might feel like doing a less intense activity. But if one remembers to do a little
every day a change in both mental and physical health can surely be noted!

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Uncovering Mental Health | MHSA Tue, 03 Jan 2023 09:04:19 +0000 Written by Deborah Ellul What is Mental Health ? Mental Health are two current words which are being articulated in every corner of our daily [...]

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Written by Deborah Ellul

What is Mental Health ?

Mental Health are two current words which are being articulated in every corner of our daily lives, and sometimes without deciphering a definition. Therefore, as WHO rightly explained, mental health is a

State of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community.

WHO 2022

Thus, our mental health has the ability to define the ways that we feel on a day-to-day basis, how we think and process information, as well as behave both on our own and side by side others. It is not always about a mental disorder, as usually people focus on just maintaining a non – appearance of such mental health problems. It also includes a person’s ability to uphold continuous wellness and happiness. Therefore, since our mental health will be affected both through ourselves and others, this well – being should be practised on and individual level and a communal one.

How Mental Health Affects Physical Health

As we all know, our body is made up of different systems which correlate simultaneously. One separate part can have a comprehensive influence on the rest of the body resulting in the whole structure to be affected. Thereby, our mental state will ultimately have its apparent affects on our physical state due to the simple foundation that one compliments the other cohesively.

Some of the very prevalent symptoms which are usually felt amid a depressive episode, for instance are fatigue and insomnia. Depression can be felt as exceptionally draining to the whole body and sometimes the daytime exhaustion is a result of the insomnia. As a consequence of this, headaches can start to emanate making the person feel even more irritable and in pain, ultimately making it even more strenuous for the person to better themselves.

Supplementary to the aforementioned is anxiety, more specifically chronic anxiety as it usually impedes on the daily performance of a person. One of the problems that may occur here is a long – term release of stress hormones on a regular basis leading to headaches, light-headedness, and weight gain which can then intensify into depression. The Cardiovascular system is also affected here as anxiety can be a trigger for fast heart rate, chest pain, palpitations, all adding up to high blood pressure.

Therefore, we should be mindful when trying to apprehend and support someone suffering from a mental health issue, as at times the person can truly show you their daily struggle from minor indications but which causes them a lot of distress.

Mental Health in Earlier Years

The outlook and frame of mind concerning mental health has altered quite a bit from former times. Nowadays, in most countries, we are fortunate enough to go and seek the appropriate help we require, without much thought given and sometimes even as a free service. These new approaches and advancements required centuries and a great deal of committed and devoted people to come in view, as things were not always so admissible and customary. Olden times viewed mental health in a far more bizarre way with superstition and supernatural beliefs, rather than with a view of care, empathy, and science. Usually, people that were suffering from a mental health problem were affiliated with curses, witchcraft, and even satanic possessions. These people were seen as outcasts and barely ever found the care and compassion they so helplessly needed. To make matters worse, since mental health carried such a pessimistic and unfavourable connotation with it, the medications used were equally inhumane. Practises such as:

  • Insulin Coma therapy
  • Isolation
  • Lobotomies
  • Electroconvulsive shock therapy

were among the few that were used. These barbaric solutions usually left patients far worse than they initially started and in a more state of loneliness. An example of this for instance was documented in the famous novel ‘The Bell Jar’, by Sylvia Plath, were Sylvia recounted her own personal experience with Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy with a genuine description of how it actually was perceived by patients.

In furtherance, the asylums that patients were left at utilized equipment such as strait jackets to limit the persons mobility, leather wristlets and even manacles. These were deemed safe and necessary, but people were sometimes left in them for hours or even days without any merited motive.

How Time Improved Mental Health

The subject of mental health has since reformed and evolved throughout these past few years. People have become more inclined to learn and acknowledge the beauty in accepting and aiding others that are found to be struggling. Due to this safety being integrated into societies people are becoming less discouraged to seek the requisite help. Consequently, the
stigmas have since been diminished which finally improved the mental illness stereotypes.

One of the very paramount factors which achieved the aforesaid were the primacies given by the government towards mental wellbeing. These were seen through more funding granted for research as well as budgeting more money and funds. Governments also reconstituted gradually mental health establishments so that patients could recover in a more dignified

Malta has since also progressed immensely in this sector, providing numerous services and helplines allowing anyone to make use of them.

Some excellent representations include:

  • Richmond Foundation
  • Victim Support Malta
  • SOAR Malta ( support towards domestic violence)
  • Kellimni. Com
  • Betapsi Malta ( The University Psychology Student Association)
  • Mount Carmel Hospital

Thus, as a society we can continue to build on our past generations and sustain the mental health community by truly allowing mental health to be part of our lives and further work on making it a less denounced topic. It is us who should sometimes be the voice of people that are struggling and to periodically remind them that yes, there is hope left regardless of the situation.

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Diabetes Day And Its Significance – MHSA Mon, 14 Nov 2022 09:00:46 +0000 Written by Deborah Ellul November 14th is the particular day in which the world congregates to venerate diabetic people. Diabetes is unfortunately a chronic condition [...]

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Written by Deborah Ellul

November 14th is the particular day in which the world congregates to venerate diabetic people. Diabetes is unfortunately a chronic condition which has affected many lives, especially here in Malta. It continues to do so both in the young and older generations on a global scale, and thus knowledge concerning Diabetes should be propagated in an ubiquitous level.

Understanding Diabetes

When one has Diabetes, it simply means that their glucose levels in the blood are too high in consequence of the pancreas (a visceral organ in the abdomen), not producing adequate amount of insulin or just the body not being able to make use of its insulin well. To clarify better, insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas which is accountable in helping the body to make use of the sugar consumed by using it as energy. Therefore, if the pancreas is lacking this, the insulin will not be present to uphold its function, instigating diabetes.

Diabetes can be categorised as either Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or Gestational:

  • Type 1 – It can also be identified as insulin – dependant or juvenile diabetes. This is mostly due to it being seen mostly in children and younger generations. It is believed to be an autoimmune response from the body itself, meaning that the body attacks itself. Since the body will attempt to dispense of the glucose using the kidneys, children often complain of having to urinate a lot, and this can be a first major symptom. One can also feel incredible thirst and even loosing weight without any effort in place. Conversely, type 1 can be controlled through maintaining a balanced diet, habitual exercise, and not forgetting to check the blood glucose level and knowing the proper ranges.

  • Type 2 – This classification of diabetes is considered to be more familiar within adults rather than children. One of the leading distinctions from type 1 is that it evolves in a far decelerated rapidity, and one could be living with this without any definite awareness. With type 2, the typical agents that can result in this diagnosis are being medically obese ( BMI 30.0 or higher) and a sedentary inactive lifestyle. Furthermore, at times, some patients may present a family history of diabetics, leading to them easily having it. A healthy diet and some daily exercise can really make a difference with type 2 diabetes. However, if these non – pharmacological factors are found to be unsuccessful, there are medications which can be prescribed.

  • Gestation Diabetes – This 3rd category of diabetes is known to be diagnosed during pregnancy. Adversely, with the high blood glucose levels the mother can be easily affected, as well as the foetus. Thankfully however, the mother can properly take care of herself and the unborn baby by for instance going on walks as this will count as an approach to exercise. In addition, the diet can be compromised of an admixture of fruits and vegetables. Proteins, unsaturated fats, and whole grain foods are also advised so that a balanced diet is taken. Furthermore, this type of diabetes commonly goes away after the delivery. Be that as it may, mothers should still stay apprehensive as now they are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Taking Care Of Diabetes

Managing Diabetes can be formidable at times, yet one must be vigilant everyday so as to not let the blood sugar levels escalate. This therefore will take certain discipline within oneself, but it is all very accomplishable. One of the very first things recommended in managing any type of diabetes is to develop a care plan with a GP and discuss this with your closed ones. Support here goes a long
way, so it is crucial to include those around you and get them to be more inclined towards awareness and commitment. Commitment here will include checking the blood sugar levels daily or depending on when the doctor recommends. Additionally, the routine might include taking specific medications like Metformin or insulin. It is vital to check with your doctor if there are any adverse side effects being seen.

Smoking is another risk factor which can lead to diabetes. Thus, if you are someone that suffers from diabetes, do consider smoking caseation. Additionally due to smoking there are risks like diseases of the heart, strokes, a reduction in blood flow in regions like the legs. Be that as it may, the nicotine from the cigarettes alters the cells and so there will be a weak response to insulin, eventuating in high blood sugar levels. Usually, diabetes that stems from smoking will be under the category of type w2.

Another key point to remember when controlling diabetes is to plan appointments to the diabetic clinic. Usually, patients schedule up to two or four appointments yearly and with them an eye exam is good to be added. Such visits will include an assessment regarding the diet that the patient is following and how to maybe improve it. Additionally, the weight is measured along with a check up on the blood sugar level and the blood pressure. By attending these appointment, patients will gather a better view on any diabetic complexities such as kidney damage, heart disease or even nerve impairment.

Diabetes Around Malta

Diabetes in the Maltese island is a common condition which is taking over almost every generation, with nearly 1 in 10 suffering from it. Unfavourably, as time has elapsed the statistics kept on showing how the situation exacerbated and in 2019 it was established that 31, 709 people were diagnosed with diabetes. Such findings could be rooted to many probabilities, yet mostly obesity is a big initiator. Thankfully, the health authorities have taken these statistics into account along with other NGO’s that are ready to sustain and encourage those contending.

Such examples include:

1. The Maltese Diabetes Association: This is a voluntary organisation that intends to gather diabetics so that they can have the comfortable space where they are free to discuss any struggles or assistance that they may need. In addition, monthly talks are provided by specialised people in this sector with considerable time given to questions.

2. The Diabetes Shared Care Programmes: This programme takes place at Mater Dei hospital. In contravention of this diabetics are given a follow up at their respective health care centres which are managed by a number of doctors, nurses, ophthalmologists, and podiatrist. Consequently, patients are given a holistic long – term follow-up so that their diabetes is under control.

Aside from the above, there are various diabetic clinics around Malta, which can be found in the local health centres, providing free care for anyone in need. Alternatively, some patients may opt for private clinics which also offer a professional standard of care!

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Pink October and behind it’s Commemoration | MHSA Mon, 10 Oct 2022 09:06:43 +0000 Written by Deborah Ellul What is Breast Cancer? Breast Cancer originates from specified changes within body cells, also known as mutations. The body cells start [...]

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Written by Deborah Ellul

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer originates from specified changes within body cells, also known as mutations. The body cells start to divide and increase in an irrepressible manner, consequently evolving into breast cancer.

Generally, the place where the cancer commences its growth is either in the lobules or the ducts of the breast. The lobules are the glands that produce milk and the ducts are what help contribute to facilitate milk out of the body. Since the cancer cells often spread in a rapid way, they can eventually attack other healthy tissues in the breast, also attacking the lymph nodes beneath the arms.

Therefore, the common types of breast cancers are:

  1. Ductal Breast Cancer (Starting in the ducts)
  2. Lobular Breast Cancer (Starting in the lining of the lobules)

Breast Cancer can also be categorised based on its potential to spread to other regions of the breast and the body. A non – invasive one means that the cancer has not spread yet. We call this a Ductal Carcinoma in Situ ( DCIS) as it remains in the ducts. On the contrary, an invasive breast cancer will metastasize in a fast pace, spreading to other parts like the lymph nodes, different sections of the breast and other areas inside the body. Regrettably, specialists find this type of cancer commonly, with statistics showing that eight out of ten cancers are invasive.

Be that as it may, over the years there has been an enormous decline in the mortality rate, particularly between the 1930’s and the 1970’s according to WHO. Notably in the 1980’s, the survival rate improved due to the early screening and other various treatment derogating the metastasizing.

History of Pink October

During October we celebrate the Pink October campaign. People and organisations aspire to increase awareness regarding breast cancer for both genders, with aim that it becomes a less stigmatised topic.

Pink October originated back in the 1990’s, with the contribution of certain devoted women and other willing societies. Charlotte Hailey, for instance, was one of the main pillars in starting Pink October. Her loved ones, being survivors of breast cancer, instigated a certain incentive in Charlotte to convey more awareness and a grander insight into the subject. Thus, the pink ribbon was created to bring forth this awareness. Along with each number of ribbons given, Charlotte use to leave a small note that said:

The National Cancer Institute annual budget is $1.8 billion, only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up our legislators and America by wearing this ribbon

A. Zubko, 2012

Evidently, her persistent exertion reached a good number of people that decided to support her. Betty Ford was one of the contributors, along with Evelyn H Lauder and the American Cancer Society. Due to their diligence they continue to this day to not only share awareness but raise funds to help with research on prevention and other relations

Risks and Symptoms

Breast cancer is displayed in many forms, one of which can be as a lump (in the breast area?) without any pain. This detection is not something to be taken lightly, so one should consult a doctor immediately and remain safe as possible. Nevertheless, lumps can develop from many other causes, that of which are rarely cancer. Some examples can include cysts and even early signs of infection.

There are certain symptoms which can occur in the very early stages, but one can recognize them with some proper observations. These include:

  • Swelling in the breast area
  • The skin of the breast appearing red or dry
  • A peeling sight in the areola area
  • Alteration in the placement of the nipple ( ex: being inverted)
  • Pain in the breast

It is vital to remember that breast cancer is not transmissible. Moreover, there is not a recognised bacteria contributing to growth, unlike cervical cancer, for example. As mentioned before, women are more prone to breast cancer detection. The probability of getting breast cancer rises as we age. That said, there are some factors which can mitigate these chances.

These include:

  • Undertaking physical activity – 5 hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity throughout the week, such as a hurried walk, can help immensely.
  • Setting up a healthy balanced diet
  • Avoiding harmful activities like smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol

Additionally, breastfeeding can be a great tool in reducing the risks. Yet, in some cases, breast cancer can be found in the family history, hence it is challenging to evade such chances. Therefore, one ought to check themselves regularly!

Dealing with the news

Breast cancer, or any type of such diagnosis, is never a simple news to digest. It takes time and emotional effort to process this news and there will never be a good and bad way to deal with such matters. Everyone is entitled to feel sad and scared, as initially it may seem like a dark endless tunnel. However, after this turmoil of emotions and acclimation to the situation, a person is likely to be willing to fight the illness. If this is the case, there are a number of things one might do to help have a smoother recovery:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the type of cancer. This may require you to consult with doctors and nurses to see if the cancer is invasive or non-invasive and other relevant details. Bringing a family member or a friend with can be helpful in increasing support!
  2. Discuss with your loved ones. Such news may make a person feel alienated, however, talking can help immensely to decrease this from occurring. Cancer should not be fought alone, therefore, it is good to reach out!
  3. See the future steps for treatment. If one chooses that treatment is paramount, there are some steps to be considered. Firstly, research what treatment is accessible in the country. Subsequently, check what effects the treatment will have on your body (example: Loss of appetite). Keep in mind that there may be alternatives to certain treatments!
  4. Join a cancer support group. In Malta there are quite a large number of choices, two of which are the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation and the Malta Male Cancer Awareness. These can offer an immeasurable amount of support which can overcome certain obstacles that come with cancer.

Therefore, we should support one another during these harsh times, by being sensible and patient. What may seem as small gestures, such as being present and available, can already be enough!

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Diseases Generating from Poor Environmental Health | MHSA Fri, 16 Sep 2022 11:55:20 +0000 Written by Deborah Ellul Environment Health The environment which a population resides in holds a significant impact on one’s overall health, comprising the physical and [...]

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Written by Deborah Ellul

Environment Health

The environment which a population resides in holds a significant impact on one’s overall health, comprising the physical and mental aspect. As a whole, environmental health prioritises the growing relation between humans and their surroundings, cultivating a thoroughgoing health system.

Significantly, we as humans ought to remember that how we impact and behave towards our environment, will be ultimately felt through our health and well-being, albeit at times not visible.
A community, therefore, should promote its advances towards four major basis that secures a proper environmental system.

  • Firstly, clean water should be indisputably available everywhere in sanitary conditions. This implies the elimination of bacteria, microbes, and any harmful chemicals from water.
  • Secondly, clean air is fundamental as it mitigates the chances to develop respiratory problems.
  • Thirdly, a country should provide nourishing food perpetually, as this not only increases life expectancy, but benefits one’s mental health.
  • Furthermore, a risk – free environment is to be accessible to every citizen as every aspect can impede on one’s overall state of health.

With the above mentioned however, most countries suffer from poor environmental conditions. This inadequate ecological wellness imminently eventuates in severe and even life–threatening diseases. When the environment holds a high percentage of chemical pollution, it shows that heavy toxic chemicals are being used, affecting not only current generations but also forthcoming ones. When such matters start to arise, a substantial number of diseases will become a main problem that ultimately hinders the lifestyle of many.


  • Cardiovascular Diseases

One of the many general forms of diseases are the cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). CVDs are a collection of conditions that have a direct impact on the blood vessels and the heart. As a consequence of the increase in traffic congestion and many urban progressions, our air has become intensely polluted. Through this, a gradual but serious deterioration will occur in how the cardiovascular system functions and even narrow the blood vessels and raise the blood pressure. Certain particulate matter for instance can instigate health concerns such as cardiac arrhythmias and chest pain which can easily develop into strokes and even cardiac arrest. This happens due to the particles being of miniscule size, thus able to reach the bloodstream more rapidly. Additionally, artificial ecosystems and environments, where an
environment survives only through human reinforcement, limit our natural contact with nature, creating a more hazardous surrounding.

  • Respiratory Diseases

As a continuation of the above, respiratory diseases are also a major problem towards the sustainability of environmental health. These diseases affect the lungs which are the main organs that supply the body with oxygen through inhalation and clears it from carbon dioxide via exhalation. Moreover, the lungs suppress microbes and other harmful substances through certain preventive barriers from damaging the respiratory system. Regardless however, through many generations of air pollutants, our air has become more and more contaminated.

This has increased through various examples, one of them being the constant burning of fossil fuels. Since fossil fuels lead to an increase of Carbon Dioxide in the air, an increase in global warming will occur. Consequently, there will be a conversion in climate patterns and eventually a rise in communicable diseases. In relation, smog, which is an amalgamation of smoke and fog, can trigger diseases such as bronchitis and even asthma. As cars emit exhaust, an airborne particle is formed which irritates our lung and furthers our risks to other diseases.

  • Water Borne Diseases

Water as we know it is something which is easily accessible to us daily. In most countries this is mainly the case, yet that being said, there are countries which unfortunately cannot say the same. Regions such as Southeast Asia, Africa and many more, are undergoing grave health issues due to the unhygienic water that is obtainable to them. According to WHO, around 829, 000 people are dying everyday because of such water.

Since the water is not being filtered and is found to be immensely polluted, most end up suffering from diseases like Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Schistosomiasis, which is a diseases found through harmful worms. Children, for instance that contract bacteria which cause diarrhoea, have yet to develop a resilient immune system and so will end up dying due to access dehydration. Similar to this are problems like improper sewage disposition, oil spills and the irresponsibility of discarding plastic and other garbage in the ocean.

What Can Be Done

Through what has been discussed, it is evidently clear that this dereliction of our environment has to stop. Despite these facts however, there is still hope in maintaining good environmental health. People from every country should be educated and made aware of the consequences periodically. For example, this
can include learning on how to avoid unnecessary exposure to harmful chemicals. Subsequently, purchasing cleaning supplies that are safe for our health and are economic friendly can already be a big step. Another way could be through safe farming. As opposed to using pesticides, one might try weeding or even using traps which increases organic products!

Additionally, governments can work with NGO’s and other organizations to work towards this sustainability. It is essential that as a country walking and electric cars become the main form of transportation and form a scrape plan for old cars. Furthermore, one might choose to evade air pollution by having less expenditure in heavily polluted areas. Leaving for work earlier can be an asset as there would be less build up of pollution. Finally, we must not forget to take care of our oceans and lakes. One way of doing this is to limit the usage of plastic. The government can provide recycling bins on beaches and organise monthly beach clean ups. Consequently, vaccinations should be provided as to prevent water borne diseases from spreading, whilst also filtering the water accordingly!

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Heart to Heart | MHSA Wed, 15 Dec 2021 10:13:48 +0000 Written by: Bettina Zammit Although it may be more desirable to remain blissfully unaware, it is immensely important to address and to inform yourself about [...]

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Written by: Bettina Zammit

Although it may be more desirable to remain blissfully unaware, it is immensely important to address and to inform yourself about the diseases that are regarded as the top killers worldwide: Cardiovascular diseases. Below, you can read about the risk factors that may lead to heart disease, symptoms of a heart attack, and a step-by-step guide on how you may save a life using an AED.

Risk factors for heart disease

Pertinent risk factors for cardiovascular disease include the use of tobacco, high amounts of alcohol intake, air pollution, a high BMI index, and low levels of exercise. Studies have shown that an unhealthy diet, which is one that consists of a high intake of processed foods, trans and saturated fats, food items with high amounts of salt and sugar, and drinks with high sugar levels, is a primary cause for the development of heart disease. High serum cholesterol and high blood pressure levels are regarded as two of the leading causes of the development of ischaemic heart disease. 

A large number of the risk factors that lead to heart disease are modifiable. Nowadays, easily accessible tools, such as exercise and nutrition apps, are ideal to keep you motivated to maintain healthy habits that reduce the risk of heart disease development.

Although the risk may be decreased through lifestyle changes, there are a few risk factors that must be continually monitored for, despite having a healthy lifestyle. Hypertension and atherosclerosis are two of these types of risk factors that are commonly encountered.


Also known as high blood pressure, may not result in symptoms despite it being present. Hypertension which goes unnoticed and untreated has the potential to be seriously damaging to the heart, and thus, may result in heart attacks, heart failure, and even sudden death. Hypertension can be monitored by measuring blood pressure regularly.


Atherosclerosis is a condition in which arteries become clogged due to a buildup of plaques, which are fatty substances. Consequently, arteries become hardened and narrowed, resulting in a decrease in the amount of blood flow to vital organs, and an increase in the risk of blood clot formation. Blood clots may result in heart attacks or strokes. 

This condition typically does not present with any symptoms, and therefore, oftentimes goes unnoticed. However, if atherosclerosis remains untreated, cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes may develop. 

Myocardial infarction

A myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when there is a sudden blockage of blood flow to the heart, which typically arises due to the presence of a blood clot. 

The symptoms of myocardial infarction include chest pain which may radiate to the jaw, neck, arms and back, shortness of breath, experiencing lightheadedness and/or weakness, and experiencing feelings of extreme anxiety. 

Heart attacks pose life-threatening danger, and cause extreme damage to the heart muscle; it is of utmost importance that if you feel any of the symptoms mentioned, you seek medical treatment immediately. 

The importance of AEDs and how to use them

Sudden cardiac arrest is treated using an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This is a device that is used to determine heart rhythm and will provide an electrical shock. The electrical shock will aid in reobtaining a regular heart rhythm. 

AEDs in Malta may also be found in public spaces and buildings. For instance, in Valletta, AEDs may be found at: 

  • Chemimart in Republic Street
  • Chemimart at the City Gate
  • Empire Pharmacy in Old Theatre Street
  • Castille Hotel in Castille Square
  • Marsamxetto Harbour
  • Bus Terminus – Near Tal-Linja Kiosk

Every minute is crucial in the case of sudden cardiac arrest; each minute that defibrillation is not provided reduces the chance of survival by 10%. Therefore, since there is a certain amount of time that it takes for medical assistance to arrive at the scene, it is vital that everybody is aware of how to use AEDs. Hence, people have the power to potentially save a life.

Steps to take when using an AED

  1. Retrieve the AED and switch it on.
  2. Expose the person’s chest and ensure that it is dry.
  3. Open and apply the AED pads.
  • One pad must be applied on the upper right chest above the breast.
  • The other must be applied on the lower left chest below the armpit.
  • If the individual has a device such as a pacemaker, position the pads in such a way that they do not make contact with the device.
  1. Ensure that the wires are attached to the AED box as necessary.
  2. Stop CPR and stand clear of the person. Ensure that neither you, nor any other bystanders, are touching the individual.
  3. Let the AED analyse the rhythm.
  4. Read the AED message provided. This message may read:
    • “Check electrodes”: in this case, ensure that the electrodes are attached to the skin properly.
    • “Shock”: in this case, ensure that the individual is clear, and press and hold the “shock” button until the AED delivers the shock
  5. Resume giving CPR.
  6. Repeat these steps.

More articles by MHSA here.

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Tips For Safe Travelling During the Pandemic | MHSA Wed, 18 Aug 2021 08:04:58 +0000 Written by Bettina Zammit Travelling restrictions are finally easing after a long year of being stuck at home or working relentlessly. What now? You’ve booked [...]

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Written by Bettina Zammit

Travelling restrictions are finally easing after a long year of being stuck at home or working relentlessly. What now? You’ve booked your plane ticket and you’re looking forward to a well-deserved trip abroad during these summer months.

Not to burst your bubble but we’ve still got to keep travelling safety guidelines in mind. They are put in place to ensure that you remain as safe as possible while travelling during these extraordinary times. Keep this list in mind while you’re packing your passport and socks:

1. Cover

Wearing your mask at all times will you will keep yourself and others most safe. Be it at the airport, on the airplane, using public transportation, or in indoor spaces. Ensure that your mask is clean, and covers your nose, chin, and mouth snugly. In other words, wearing your mask like this ( image above) is not going to do you or anyone around you any favours. Ensure that your mask is clean, and covers your nose, chin, and mouth snugly. In other words, wearing your mask like this is not going to do you or anyone around you any favours. 

2. Clean

Carry a bottle of hand sanitiser around with you at all times and clean your hands regularly. Particularly before and after touching your mask, after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. After touching any surfaces that are frequently touched by others, such as door handles or trolleys. After using a public bathroom. And finally, before and after eating. After applying sanitiser, rub your hands together for 20 seconds, and you’re good to go!

Your luggage passes through the hands of many people between the time of check-in and reclaim. So, after arrival at your accommodation, be sure to wipe down the outside with an alcohol wipe, or a damp cloth soaked in soap and water. 

3. The further away, the better!

Remember to remain at a distance of at least 2 meters from any other individuals that you are not travelling with.  There will be markings on the floor in public areas which clearly indicate where you should stand to maintain this distance. By social distancing, you’ll find yourself in a win-win situation; you’ll decrease the risk of transmission of the virus, while also guaranteeing that neither a stranger nor your personal space is invaded. Those strangers will definitely thank you for it!

Furthermore, avoid spending excess time in areas in which crowds form, and, of course, make efforts not to form part of those crowds yourself. This may happen at baggage claim at the airport, for instance.

4. Plan, Plan, Plan.

While travelling, most of us have been in situations where we’re staring at rail maps helplessly or have to pluck up the courage to ask advice from a stranger or two, all in an attempt to deduce which bus, train or tram will actually get us to the right destination. Going that extra mile and familiarising yourself with the relevant public transport routes, or pre-booking a car from the airport, for example, will reduce the amount of time that you spend inside busy places such as train stations and the number of interactions you have with other people. 

5. Choose outdoor over indoor.

Your risk of infection is increased in confined spaces that lack ventilation, as there is the possibility of being in close proximity for a lengthy period of time with an infected individual. If you have no choice but to stay inside, try to remain close to a window.

“Vaccines save millions of lives”. 

Getting vaccinated is the most effective way to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.  You are placed at significantly less risk of severe infection if you are vaccinated. However, no vaccine is 100% protective, and there is still a chance of infection after vaccination. All vaccines go through a process of rigorous testing prior to being made available to the public, to ensure their safety and efficacy. Get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same!

Stay safe!

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Snacking to Live or Living to Snack? | MHSA Wed, 07 Jul 2021 09:03:12 +0000 Written by Kimberly Ellul Bellia Snacking is a significant component of the fast-paced lifestyle led by teenagers and young adults, as it provides them with [...]

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Written by Kimberly Ellul Bellia

Snacking is a significant component of the fast-paced lifestyle led by teenagers and young adults, as it provides them with an extra kick of energy, alertness, and motivation. Lectures, homework, extra-curricular activities, and after-school part-time jobs, often leave limited time for preparing healthy snacks. Therefore, such often opt for the cheaper and more accessible unhealthy snacks. 

Contrary to common belief, a hectic schedule is not mutually exclusive to the consumption of healthy snacks.  

Why is snacking so important for teenagers?

Adolescents often express a strong and persistent appetite. During this period of growth and maturation the body needs the right balance of nutrients to develop into a healthy adult, therefore this appetite is understandable. Healthy snacks, in adjunct to healthy and adequately portioned meals are an excellent way to satisfy this hunger, in addition to ensuring that all of the right nutrients the growing body needs are consumed. 

How will I know if the snack is healthy or not?

Opting for a healthier snack requires making smarter choices. Although a product is labelled “Organic” or “100%  natural”, it does not necessarily mean that it is healthy.

Snacking on chocolate provides an intense short-lived energy boost, proceeded by an insulin mediated response where there is a sudden drop in energy levels. Alternatively, sugar free peanut butter based granola bars could provide a high protein and slow release carbohydrate snack, benefiting the development of the teenager and maintaining energy levels, respectively.

 Juices with no added sugar often still have a high amount of natural sugar, contributing to a high calorific value. Further, products such as low fat flavoured yogurts generally have a high sugar content and hence a similar calorific value to that of its high fat content counterpart. The high sugar content provides a sweet taste which compensates for the low fat content. Such knowledge can contribute to making smarter choices when snacking.

Smart Snacking Strategies

  1. Prepare snacks in advance.
  2. Stock up your car, bag, and desk drawer with healthy snacks.
  3. Keep it interesting! Vary colour, flavours, and textures.
  4. Compromise with cravings by substituting ingredients in unhealthy snacks for healthier ones.
  5. Follow MHSA’s Nutritional Label (below) to determine whether a snacks’ macro and micronutrients are adequate.

More from MHSA here!

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Telehealth: The Future of Healthcare | MHSA Sat, 01 May 2021 09:45:06 +0000 Telehealth is a broad term used to encompass a vast range of services that contribute to the clinical setting including treatment, health education and counselling. [...]

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Telehealth is a broad term used to encompass a vast range of services that contribute to the clinical setting including treatment, health education and counselling. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically increased the use of digital health, it has been around for decades and can be dated back to 1959.

Telehealth was originally used for clinicians to consult with each other but today, the advancement of technology has allowed patients to safely connect with doctors and healthcare professionals from the comfort of their own home.

How does it work?

Various methods may be used when providing healthcare through digital means.

  • Live videos allow for synchronous audiovisual communication between the patients and the healthcare provider via any device which can connect to the internet.
  • Mobile health may also be provided in the form of mobile apps. These may serve different purposes, from communicating with practitioners and accessing health records to apps that can help with mindfulness or sleep tracking.
  • E-prescribing allows prescriptions to be filled in electronically
  • The store and forward method is an asynchronous method of telehealth where videos and messages may be exchanged between the patient and the practitioner.

Who can benefit from Telehealth?

Practically anyone can benefit from this digital form of healthcare. However, the use of such means to provide healthcare is mostly beneficial to patients in marginalized, low-income or high-risk groups and communities, all of whom have particularly limited access to traditional healthcare.

While telehealth may have immense benefits for these groups, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they benefit from it in practice. This is because several challenges can prevent telehealth from reaching those who need it most. These include insurance permissions, licensing requirements and adequate internet connection.

Breaking ‘Traditional Health Care’ Barriers

Some of the biggest limiting factors of traditional healthcare include:

  • Location: People living in Gozo, for example, have a harder time accessing certain healthcare services than those living in Malta. Transportation is often linked as a limiting factor within this population.
  • Time: In addition to the challenge of physically getting to the appointment, including transportation and the time of the session itself, may pose a challenge for individuals who have a full-time job.

With the further introduction of Telehealth in Malta, the gaps in the current healthcare system may be bridged with digital alternatives.  Problems of time commitment and transportation may be solved by giving access to telehealth from home. This may further increase attendance rates for individual therapy sessions as it removes the challenge of physically getting to the appointment. Telehealth can also speed up the diagnosis and treatment process as waitlists are reduced and individuals are connected directly to available providers in different areas.

However, the problem of accessibility may be encountered when providing such online services. In the geriatric population, service providers may be faced with reluctance by the patients to participate in online sessions whilst other communities, families might not have the resources necessary to participate.

Telehealth and COVID-19

During this pandemic, changes in the way healthcare is delivered were needed to reduce staff exposure to ill persons, preserve personal protective equipment (PPEs) and minimize the number of patients visiting local healthcare facilities. Telehealth services helped provide the necessary care to patients while minimizing the risk of transmission of the coronavirus.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth trends were increasing at a slow rate. However, since the outbreak of the virus in Malta back in March, telehealth access and promotion has drastically increased. This has also highlighted the importance of maintaining care at all cost to avoid negative consequences from delaying preventive, chronic or routine care.

Remote access to healthcare services has helped increase participation from patients who are medically or socially vulnerable and has also helped to maintain the patient-provider relationship at times where physical visits to clinics are not feasible.

What is the way forward for Telehealth?

There will always be concerns when providing such services however, we must adopt a positive attitude towards telehealth.

Telehealth has been shown to be effective, viable and favourable as a format for various forms of healthcare treatment. Still, we need clear laws and insurance regulations that make telehealth a viable choice for patients and practitioners alike.

For more articles by MHSA click here!

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STDs: the overlooked taboo topic | MHSA Wed, 14 Apr 2021 09:12:40 +0000 Written by Sarah Cachia STD is not only an acronym for MHSA’s Sexual Health Campaign “STD – Sex, Toys & Dysfunction”, but medically stands for [...]

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Written by Sarah Cachia

STD is not only an acronym for MHSA’s Sexual Health Campaign “STD – Sex, Toys & Dysfunction”, but medically stands for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, which can also be called Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

What are STDs?

It’s pretty self-explanatory, they are sexually transmitted diseases, which get transmitted from one person to another when in contact with infected body fluids, including blood and semen, or through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes like mouth sores. Symptoms may vary, however unusual discharge from the penis or vagina can be rather common. Other signs and symptoms include – dyspareunia, changes in urination, bumps or sores. However, some people do not show any signs at all. This is called being asymptomatic.

There are several known types of STDs, and below are some of the common types, according to how they are classified.

  • Bacterial: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis
  • Viral: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Parasitic: Trichomoniasis

Fortunately enough, bacterial STDs can be cured with the correct use of antibiotics, especially if treatment begins early enough. On the other hand, viral STDs cannot be cured, but symptoms can be managed with medications, whilst parasitic STDs are treated with topical medicine and pills.

What happens when having sex with someone who has an STD?

Due to the fact that STDs may be asymptomatic, many STDs may go unreported between partners. This means that the infection would unknowingly be transmitted to the significant other.

Although one may be infected, STDs are not necessarily transmitted during every sexual encounter. When receiving treatment, the level of infection in the body fluids would be minimal. As a result, the chance of transmission is also reduced.

In fact, there are various factors that influence the likelihood of transmission of an STD including:

  • The type of infection,
  • How much of the infection is present in the bodily secretions or blood,
  • The duration of the sexual intercourse,
  • If broken skin or open sores are present,
  • Whether lubricants are used or not, and what type,
  • The genders,
  • Overall health and immune system,
  • The type of sex engaged in; anal, oral, or vaginal, and
  • Whether a condom is used or not.


Even though it is recommended to use a condom for safe sex, it is known that these do not necessarily protect one from all types of STDs. Other forms of prevention are washing before and after sexual intercourse and getting vaccinated for Hepatitis B.

Stigma with regards to STDs

People with STDs can face quite a bit of stigma from society and as such, may choose not to speak out. This can lead to feelings of guilt, worthlessness, depression, and other mental health problems. The fact that this topic is taboo to this day, causes one having an STD to feel inferior and therefore not be open about it prior to having sex.

Peer pressure is influential especially if knowledge and communication of safe sex practices is minimal whilst sex engagement is high. Thus, awareness with regards to STDs is required in order to eradicate the stigma that is brought about and to inform the public about the consequences brought about.

Getting tested for an STD

One may have the fear of testing positive or how an STD would change their sexual life completely. Whilst STDs may not be deadly, one would rather remain uninformed than face the stigma that STDs bring about.

Locally, the Genitourinary (GU) Clinic provides strictly confidential services for the diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, counselling and testing for HIV, and other genital conditions not necessarily sexually acquired. The GU Clinic may be contacted through +356 2545 7491 (Clinical Direct Line) / +365 2545 7491 (for appointments) or

In conclusion, the main aim of safe and healthy sex is that the rights of all persons must be respected, fulfilled, and secured. Thus, it is strongly believed that educating the public with regards to STDs would allow for safer sex and a halt to the stigma.

Check out MHSA’s previous article here!

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