New Term, New Exec – The Day after the MHSA AGM
After a year of hard work, the former MHSA executive team called it a wrap and held its Annual General Meeting on the 28th April at the South Auditorium in Mater Dei Hospital.
After a year of hard work, the former MHSA executive team called it a wrap and held its Annual General Meeting on the 28th April at the South Auditorium in Mater Dei Hospital.
Today MHSA held its "Training Recruitment and Initiation Network’ workshop at the Agenzija Zghazagh headquarters in Santa Venera.
I think we can all agree that there have been some significant changes from 2002 till now.
Apart from the well being of those hurt, one other question simmers in everyone’s mind; will this be the end of "Paqpaqli Ghall-Istrina’?
Yes I am going to admit, women are unpredictable. We are bitches. But most of all, we know how to mentally torture someone into going nuts and doing as we say. Most of you guys know this from past relationships. You can almost never win.
Summer, what a lovely time of year huh? Something students look forward to from day one of the new scholastic year. We think of beaches and parties and hooking up with random people, the works.
It’s the age old story that everyone knows: Facebook drama. Nothing like grabbing a bucket of popcorn, sitting down and scrolling through your news feed, and basically you can sum these dramas up into three main categories;
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