Dear Apple Users, Android is Doing Better

February 27, 2015 Glenn Cauchi 0

The famous technological debate…whose side are you on? It is a fact that it’s a topic of extensive discussion amongst many people and it probably always will be. At the end of it, it all boils down to one’s preference.

WhatsApp’s New Feature

December 1, 2014 Glenn Cauchi 0

Last month, WhatsApp released a new feature where users will be aware whether their messages have been read or not. Some might have easily realised that the grey ticks have now turned blue; indicating that your texts were seen.

New on the Scene – Recured

June 30, 2014 Glenn Cauchi 0

It is not something you see every day that an authentic clothing brand comes into the local market for the Maltese by the Maltese. A new, exciting idea that is coming our way is Recured.;