The Cost of Student Activism

October 26, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

As a result of a  newly introduced University of Malta venue booking procedure, non-profit,  student based, university  organisations are being charged for the rental of venues on campus.

The 12 Emotions of a UOM Student

August 16, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

Getting into the University of Malta is definitely an achievement, but those who claim that being a student at Malta’s University is easy, have probably never stepped foot on campus grounds.

KSU President on Newly Elected Rector

March 19, 2016 Adrian Attard 0

As yesterday evening, Chemistry Professor, Alfred Vella was elected as the successor of Professor Juanito Camillero as the Rector of the University of Malta, KSU (Kunsill Student Universitarji) President Rebecca Micallef spoke to The Third Eye