MKSA and SACES release a statement about the necessity for free access to Adobe Software for students that form part of the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences and the Faculty of the Built Environment.
The statement highlights the fact that students of these faculties are forced to purchase the Adobe Software in order to complete their course. Given that today’s cost of living has increased substantially, the cost for said software could come at the “detriment” of the students.
MKSA and SACES go on to mention the fact that computers with the installed software have decreased for the Faculty of the Built Environment. In regards to the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences, one computer lab requires a booking and the other is full of lagging computers, making the software hard to use.
Equal access for all students
Given that foreign and Gozitan students often go home during the weekends and holiday periods, they are at more of a disadvantage being that they’re unable to make use of the computer labs.
Among the software that is needed, students must also purchase equipment such as DSLR cameras for particular study units, with no additional stipend being given.
MKSA and SACES assert that any student making use of Adobe Software in order to pursue their course and education should have free access.
SACES emphasises the fact that softwares such as Adobe are relied on by students and advocates for all to receive free access to Adobe Software. They refer to “creative and academic potential” of students at the university being negatively impacted through the “unequal access” to needed resources.
Adobe products are labelled as “vital” and maintaining clear communication about changes to the availabilities of the resources is a must. According to SACES, these measures will ensure that various educational needs are met, across different areas of study.
Petition to show support
In a statement given by Kris Bajada, student representative on the University of Malta Council, supporting the petition is a priority in order to ensure “students receive what they require” and “rightfully deserve”. The need to unite and support student struggles is highlighted as it’s pointed out that one student’s struggles can impact all those at university.
Bajada states that university students form a “community of learners” who try to get the most out of the resources offered to students. Providing free access to Adobe Software will strengthen those resources.
The statement mentions that being able to attain the objective of access to Adobe Software will serve as an impactful message which directly proves that unity leads to achievements.
All students are encouraged to support the petition to show that this is not only a want, but a necessity.