Following Betapsi ‘s AGM which was held on the 26th of April 2021, the new Executive Board for the year 2021/22 has been elected.
The fresh faces of the Betapsi team are as follows:
President: Andrè Mifsud
Vice President: Francesca Camilleri
Secretary General: Ritienne Demanuele
Finance Officer: Mirea Gauci
Public Relations Officer: Eric Abela
External relations Officer: Naomi Schranz
Student Affairs Officer: Rachel Dalli
Educational Officer: Amy Cachia
Leisure Officer: Maria Grech
International Officer: Nadine Aguis
EFPSA MR: Kylie Fenech
Social Policy Commissioner: Kristina Micallef Pulè
Former President, Clayton Seguna and current President, Andrè Mifsud shared their thoughts on the election with The Third Eye:
I would like to thank everyone that formed part of this journey throughout these 2 years – from organisations which I collaborated with, to all my team members, and to all the students that handed their trust in me. I have nothing but excitement for the new executive team, to follow on this successful mandate. I would like to wish them all the best of luck and to cherish this journey!
Clayton Seguana, Former Betapsi President
Andrè Mifsud told The Third Eye about Betapsi’s goals;
Our main aim is to continue raising awareness about mental health and promote connectedness, especially during these trying times, whilst exploring opportunities through with psychology and non-psychology students can familiarise themselves with different forms of therapy and practice.
Andrè Mifsud, Current Betapsi President
The Third Eye wishes the best of luck to the Executive team for the upcoming year!