Amy Calleja Leads IAESTE Malta – 2023 AGM

What is IAESTE Malta?

IAESTE stands for ‘International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience’.

In short, IAESTE Malta provides local students with opportunities of undertaking paid internships abroad. These internships take on a range of subjects, from ICT to Engineering, Pharmacy and so forth, intending to suit different university courses. Besides the experience acquired from the internship there are other benefits going for an IAESTE internship, such as being assimilated into a different culture, making new friends, becoming more independent etc.

The New Executive Team

On the 3rd of January 2023 IAESTE held its AGM in order to appoint the new roles of the executive team. These are outlined hereunder:

That said, this should not discourage people from joining their team as the organisation is still welcoming new members. Anyone interested should contact them accordingly.

Presidential Comment

A big thank you to all who formed part of last years’ team that delivered incredible work. I am humbled to be leading a team of incredible individuals and look forward to spreading values, such as adventure and growth, offered by IAESTE Malta. This year, we’re doing our utmost to give as many university students as possible the opportunity to undertake one of our paid internships abroad!

Amy Calleja – National Secretary

The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!

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