Pulse once again elects all nine candidates for KSM (MCAST Student Council), with Hayden Pesci elected as the organisation’s president. The team listed below received 82% of the votes cast by MCAST students, with this year’s slogan being “Beyond Limits ”. This year, the Pulse candidates released a record-breaking manifesto with 140 proposals for MCAST students.
Full Executive List
Hayden Pesci – President
Thea Vella – Vice President
Britney Spiteri – General Secretary
Chantelle Micallef – PRO
Rohasia Zammit – KPS
Sarah Tabone – KE
Tiffany Galea – KKD
Tyler Cappello – Media Officer
Yassine Callejja – Financial Officer

Presidential Comment
I would like to thank the Pulse administration for trusting me with the role of president. We promise that KSM and MCAST as you know it, under this team’s term, will change. There will be several reforms and rebranding, as well as a whole restructuring of the council, and we will truly be the voice of MCAST students.
The Third Eye would like to wish the new executive the best of luck for their upcoming term!
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