On their 10th anniversary MaltMUN hosted an unforgettable annual conference, greatly impacting its delegates for a lifetime! Curious about MaltMUN and what this event was all about? Head to our previous article for a quick debrief and a clearer picture.
This three-day event brought brilliant individuals from around the globe, providing a platform for youth mirroring the experience in debating at the United Nations. Friday ignited some compelling debates for all committees. Saturday and Sunday unfolded conclusions to the debates resulting into the creation of resolution documents so delegates commit to what they previously advocated for.

That’s definitely not the end of it! MaltMUN facilitated the creation of connections with two Socials on Friday and Saturday night, where delegates had the chance to build lasting friendships.

Theme: Will Peace in the Balkans be finally achieved?
Serbia still recognises Kosovo as being part of it, rendering Kosovo short of sovereignty. Discussions amongst the the UN Security Council delegates denoted the possibility of holding (enforced) referendums . However, other delegates opposed the enforcement of referendums arguing it is unfair and would need to be applied to other states facing a similar challenge.

An alternative as put forward by the Serbian delegate was that states made up of a Serbian majority should rejoin Serbia, but the Albanian delegate counteracted this claiming member states should be entitled to sovereignty. The Turkish advocated this view mentioning that a state shouldn’t be restricted to one ethnicity, especially for the Balkans which are characterised by multi-cultural identities and freedom of movement.

Final Verdict: Escalate the topic amongst Serbia’s and Kosovo’s leaders to initiate talks and reach an oral agreement
Theme: Going Nuclear?
The Intermediate Committee opened up to the possibility of nuclear energy being a solution to increasing energy demand and addressing climate change, bearing in mind a volatile environment.
Advocates argued that as one of the best available power source, nuclear energy can support growing energy demand while producing relatively low emissions. However, other delegates raised concerns about immediate risks, like radiation sickness and nuclear explosions, as well as the issue of handling nuclear waste.

Final Verdict: Emphasis on renewable energy, due its reliability, ability to combine complementary renewable sources and efficient storage system. However, one can also look fusion of energy sources in the future
A prominent point which two delegates she light on is the need for setting of deadlines, a crucial component to ensure that ideas they advocated for are translated into actions.
Q: What unique experiences did you encounter in the Maltese conference that wasn’t offered elsewhere?
A: Meeting the president of Malta and having the committee sessions being held in the parliament created a very professional setting, mirroring the experience of being a professional diplomat. Mixing this with the quick friendships that I made it definitely an amazing experience!
Gordy Morozov, delegate from MUN on the Rhine
Theme: Space Exploration
Outer space’s untapped potential affixed with emerging cutting-edge technology could offer solutions for contemporary challenges, such as climate change and even overpopulation! But how do you regulate such a complex industry?

Space being a common heritage for the nations, can easily render issues like rapid commercialisation and misuse of resources. From regulating commercial activity to imposing quotas, the Beginner Committee proved to have a comprehensive outlook by addressing several elements in the resolution document.
Q: You were amongst the youngest delegates at the conference and you still received an award, congratulations! How did participating in the conference impact your growth within this field? Could you also describe some memorable moments from the event that stood out to you?
A: Partaking in this conference helped me develop diplomacy skills, such as negotiating, collaborating and debating. However, it also honed general skills, notably adaptability as I was quite unfamiliar with the topic of my committee, but contributed considerably to the discussions. The most memorable moment where finishing our resolution paper in a constrained time and hearing my name for Honourable Mention. It was an overall amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone!
Illenia Debono
Awards and Farewells – The Closing Ceremony
The incredible MaltMUN 2023 Annual Conference closed off by celebrating the skills and contributions of the best delegates at the National Library of Malta! However, a well-deserved certificate of participation was distributed amongst all delegates to account for the effort and time they put in.

Ready to explore the world of international relations and diplomacy? Visit MaltMUN’s website here to discover what it offers!
Any other questions? Feel free to reach out to them through their Instagram or Facebook page.