5 Ways Selfies can Actually Enhance your Self Esteem

Okay, so I’m sure you have all come across all these articles about how "selfies’ are bad, intrusive, and narcissistic, but the truth is they aren’t as bad as you might think. I mean don’t get me wrong, I get it: they do kind of put a lot of pressure on the way we look and how it is that others will perceive us, which of course could lead to a substantial amount of obsessiveness, which could, in turn, work its way into depression; but for every negative outcome there is always a positive one and that’s working your way towards using "selfies’ as a means to improve your self- esteem.

So again by no means am I implying that "selfies’ aren’t “evil”, and they can leave a negative impact on one’s perception of the self, but as a person who tends to look at the bright side of things, something good can actually come out of “the 50 selfies” a person would take,each time trying to fine-tune his or her body image, and so here are 5 ways "selfies’ can actually enhance your self-esteem and increase upon your body awareness:

1. Taking pictures doing the things you love doing. Whether it’s the gym you’re taking "selfies’ at or a hiking trip with your best buds, taking pictures of you doing the things you love most doing, and sharing those parts with other people through the images, can very well help you improve upon your confidence. Confidence is everything, and capturing those happy moments you feel most comfortable in, will definitely boost your self-esteem.

2. Taking pictures from angles, which you feel make you look good. Filters, angles, lighting and framing; all of these tactics makea huge difference on the way we look, and with "selfies’ you have full control of the way you want your pictures to turn out. Always keep in mind, that the standards you’re usually always comparing yourself to use all of these techniques, and more.

3. Taking pictures of yourself when you’re looking really good. Nothing’s more self- therapeutic than a picture of you looking stunningly gorgeous. Capturing such moments will surely make you and others embrace your uniqueness and beauty.

4. Look for things that you like about your body and capture them. Use "selfies’ to express your empathy towards those features which you’re most proud of. It could be anything really: whether it’s your eyes, your lips, your figure or your bum that you think is your best body feature, embrace it!

5. Use "selfies’ as a conscious reminder that your physical body does not define your worth and value as a person. There’s more to it than just the physical appearance. We are more than our physical characteristics; we are also our personality. Personality matters, and this is what makes a person who he/she really is. Always remember, that physical appearance by itself is worth nothing in real life, because at the end of the day it’s one’s personality that really matters. I mean really, what’s best; a person who’s really good looking with a horrible personality? Or an average person with a lovely personality that brightens up everybody else’s day?

So there you have it, this revolutionary period of the so called “selfies phenomena”, isn’t half as bad, as most sources would indicate, whenyou come to think about it, and when the above perspective is taken into view. Counteracting the negative with ideas like the above could make a person’s life a whole lot easier, especially, with "selfies’, because they sure as hell look like they’re here to stay.

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About Andrea Bezzina 6 Articles
Andrea is a fourth year Communications student at the University of Malta, part-time barista and an aspiring writer for the Third Eye. She is consumed by all things pertaining to the visual arts, music, photography, writing, life philosophies, nature and spirituality. She is a live in the moment kind of person and weaves her inspiration from nature, music, art, astronomy, travel, personal transformation and all things artsy and avant-gardish.