5 Iconic Places Around Campus

So yes, uni does have all those classic spots that everyone hangs out at or knows about but there are also a few random spots that are known for specific things. Most of the places that will be mentioned are used during a specific time of the year. Let’s get into it!

Christmas Tree Spot / Large Chess Near Quad Fountain

During the most wonderful time of the year, uni sets up the most spectacular Christmas tree you’ve ever seen. It’s especially spectacular when you post a cute photo of you or it or even both on your instagram. This is usually the time around when graduations are happening so it’s also a wonderful place for the graduands and their families to take photos.

When the Christmas tree isn’t there, a large chess set takes its place for students to actually play a game of chess. If not, it’s a quirky art piece for you to look at.

Green Areas

Ok, so uni has multiple green areas but the ones located around Sir Temi Zammit Hall are used by students alike to prep for another awaited time of the year – Students’ Fest. Anyone who is involved takes it pretty seriously (as they should). Every year, students alike gather to audition or be part of the crew, to put up an awesome show. These green areas are used by the crew to build sets for the show till the wee hours of the morning (don’t worry it’s fun!).

Chinese Garden for Grad photos

Every year, the university sees its well-deserved students graduate and pose for official photos to commemorate that special day. Before the ceremony begins, the graduates and their families gather outside Sir Temi Zammit Hall to snap official as well as candid photos! Graduations take place inside the hall so the beautiful Chinese Garden is the perfect place for some photo ops. It’s close to the hall and has a great setting.

Red Bull Treehouse

Uni has a treehouse-like spot in the canteen. Yes. It’s great for students to hang out at, eat some food and maybe study (it can get really loud in the canteen). This unique spot was sponsored by Red Bull last year, making it a recent addition to uni’s random spots you need to know about.

Water-fight / Tug of War in Vjal Tessie Camilleri

Right below quad, there’s Vjal Tessie Camilleri. At the beginning of every year during Freshers’ Week, the much-awaited Water-fight between ELSA & SACES and the Tug of War between MHSA & MMSA, take place. These events are a traditional start to the year and always very fun to watch!

There you have it, a list of uni’s random spots used for specific reasons throughout the year. Take note, some time or another, you may find yourself snapping photos, building sets, or getting soaked/pulled in long-standing traditions!

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About Kayleigh Cassar 9 Articles
Kayleigh, 21, maddeningly cheerful and has the ability to quote F.R.I.E.N.D.S. at any given moment, has a huge love for anything that has to do with books. She also has an unhealthy obsession with the performing arts. This year, Kayleigh will be the Third Eye’s new Events Officer and is currently reading for a B.A in Anthropology and English. Other hobbies include : attempting to cook food, battling with life’s huge dilemmas and travelling.