40 Ways to Fight Racism

Over the past couple of weeks, the online world has risen together in support of the protests happening in the United States against racism. The murder of George Floyd sparked these protests, but the world is not stopping there. The Black Lives Matter campaign has resurfaced and is stronger than ever. The campaign and the protests will not stop until justice is served to all those that have dealt hate crimes to people of colour. Racism needs to stop, and its end is long overdue. 

Just because these events are happening far from home, does not mean they do not affect us. Racism is prevalent in Malta too. We see this from the immigrants left to die at sea and hate crimes like Lassana Cisse’s, amongst others. To do our part, we have compiled a list of organisations to donate to our support, information sources to educate yourself, and a number of action points to join the fight against racism in your own way.

Organisations to Donate to or Support:



Information sources to educate yourself:

To Read:

To Watch: 

To Listen: 

Small things you can do that make a big difference

  • Petitions to sign 
  • Get in touch with friends and family of colour 
  • Call out everyday acts of racism by friends and family 
  • Educate others/help them understand
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