Pulse: Proposti li jgħaqqdu l-Istudenti u l-Immigrazzjoni
Pulse b’diversi Proposti ta’ kif l-istudenti jista’ jgħin fil-problema tal-immigrazzjoni
Pulse b’diversi Proposti ta’ kif l-istudenti jista’ jgħin fil-problema tal-immigrazzjoni
Tomorrow 28th February, the Archbishop of Malta, Monsignor Charles Scicluna, shall be visiting the University of Malta.
Following the recent developments in the Gozo Youth Council, SDM calls for better transparency within the structures of the administration of the GYC.
Joseph Muscat Tweets that he Agrees with Vote 16
Last Monday’s car explosion was an incident that disrupted people’s daily lives. Roads were closed, investigations were underway and, a man lost both his legs.
Following an agreement between Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) and Times of Malta, now University students are able to benefit from free newspapers from Students’ House on week days.
Yesterday Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM) organised an event on quad.
Pulse has come into contact with Msida Local Council officials to discuss safe measures which can yield to preserving one’s safety when crossing the Msida by-pass.
Following a healthy and ongoing discussion process with the Msida Local Council with respect to the rain shelters proposed in our manifesto, KSJC is pleased to inform students that the council has approved the project with no objection and are eager
Why a Student would Opt for the Bypass over a Subway
SDM Host a University Silent Protest
The freedom and protection of journalists have been major topics over the past few weeks.
The freedom and protection of journalists have been major topics over the past few weeks.
The freedom and protection of journalists have been major topics over the past few weeks.
As part of the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) Solidarity Week, today the Malta University Sports Club (MUSC) shall be organising wheelchair basketball on quadrangle, in aid Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, better known as ALS.
Yesterday afternoon, through their Facebook Page, student organisation for psychology students, Betapsi, announced the resignation of their Leisure Officer, Kurt Abela.
One must point out, that Abela’s was the second resignation for Betapsi in less
During the last month of the term, disagreement arose as plans were underway for our final leisure event, which initially was a viable event without financial risk which would put the association in jeopardy.
Wrinkled faces that Swapped Places
Elaine Muscat and Andrea Varrazzo join UoM Futsal Executive
"The Busker’, as a band, was formed in October, 2012, by Dario Genovese (guitar+vox) and Jean Paul Borg (drums + percussion).
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