An Open Letter to Santa Claus, from a UoM Student
Dear Santa Claus,
Dear Santa Claus,
Yesterday, the most prominent media outlets across the world were focused on Malta and the unusual events which were taking place on the runway of Malta’s International Airport.
Two days before Christmas; one would expect a day of shopping and quality time with the family, anything BUT a hijacked plane landing in Malta.
Għsl carried out a survey as part of the policy paper they produced.
MHSA says YES to euthanasia
MHSA wants euthanasia legislation
The war in Syria has become an international mess. What started as civilian protests against Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president who has been in power for the past sixteen years, has now become a base for the great powers to exert military force.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil says that “the EU will not continue to look like a political giant, but political dwarf” in a bid for greater integration in foreign and security policy at EU level.
On Thursday, the European Studies Organisation (ESO) launched a new campaign called MSE, in short for Manifest, Suggest, Endorse, in light of the upcoming Presidency of the European Council, which shall be held in Malta during 2017.
Following Malta Model United Nations’ Annual General Meeting last Thursday, a new executive team has been elected.
KNZ and YFJ write a letter to the Prime Minister
The new executive for Pulse has been announced.
Tonight’s Pulse’s Annual General Meeting is expected to seal Wayne Sammut’s adventure in Pulse.
ELSA’s Legal & Social Policy Organizing Committee has amalgamated months of hard work, co-operation, planning & research to produce our policy paper entitled "Hate Speech: Negotiating Peace in the Ambit of Freedom of Speech’.
2016 was definitely a year to remember for Pulse. Electing all of its candidates in Junior College and MCAST Councils, Pulse has marked this year as a "Year of Success’.
The day after the KSU (Kunsill Studenti Universitarji), for which over 1500 people attended and which was described by many as an utter success, The Third Eye opted to formulate a list of the most glamorous photos that individuals uploaded on social
Just a day after the KSU (Kunsill Studenti Universitarji), for which over 1500 people attended and which was described by many as an utter success, The Third Eye opted to formulate an a list of the most glamorous photos that individuals uploaded on s
Speaking with The Third Eye, student organisation Pulse commented that welcomes with open arms the recent ban on gay conversion therapy after being the FIRST student organisation to have voiced its belief and opinion on this issue.
Following tonight’s Annual General Meeting, it is now almost a certainty that the roles of SDM President and Vice-President will be taken by Gabriel Micallef and Gabriel Camilleri respectively.
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