The Truth is Out There
"Well, Earth has life on it because it’s the right distance from the sun to, and because of its water percentage and atmosphere. You really think there aren’t other planets out there like us, in other galaxies?’
"Well, Earth has life on it because it’s the right distance from the sun to, and because of its water percentage and atmosphere. You really think there aren’t other planets out there like us, in other galaxies?’
When we were children, we were most likely watching cartoons or running around a playground in our free time, but sadly, for many other children this is not the case.
I am pretty sure that when I mention the word "Instagram’ all of you pretty much know that I’m talking about the 4-year old photo and video sharing social media application which is probably found on all of your smartphones.
On the 12th of December, 2014, a campaign was launched by the Malta Information Technology Agency, 89.7 Bay and General Soft Drinks in order to combat the rise of cyberbullying in Malta.
To answer these questions I asked Paul Grech, 65, who is a Liverpool fan and a Beatle enthusiast. He was part of Beatlemania. I asked him what did the Beatles symbolise for the Maltese.
Recently, student organization Pulse released a statement about lowering the age of consent from 18 to 16. Speaking as a University student, who has reached the age of consent 3 years ago, this matter does not concern me personally.
People all around the world were so struck by the attack that a good number of us felt the necessity to write “Je suis Charlie” on their Facebook profiles, “I am Charlie”.
It’s that time of the year again, when your books become your best friends and phrases such as "happiness’, "care-free’, and "relaxed’ dash out of the window, without even saying bye.
It’s that time of the year again. Many are those that have compiled a list of things they could have changed or done better during the past year. For these people the New Year seems like a perfect time to change.
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