Hey you! Yes, you. I know you’re procrastinating at this very second. I know what you’re thinking, you clicked this article thinking you would actually rather do anything than study, including reading this list. Now you’re thinking, “ħeqq screw it, might as well read the whole thing hux”. You know you should be studying for that important exam, yet you’re still here. Before you start reading this list of 10 of many other things you would rather be doing than study, I would like to wish you good luck. At this rate, you might need it.
1. Argue with a hoard of pejtrijots.
It’s just like an opinion essay, except the essay title contains the phrase "Malta for the Maltese’ and is at least two thirds, if not entirely, written in capital letters. And instead of receiving a grade, you will receive threats.
2. Try to get an issue with Melita resolved over the phone
“Yes, I switched the router on and off during the 30 minutes I’ve been on the line. Yes, all the wires are plugged in. No, I’m not downloading any big files. No, I don’t want to upgrade my internet speed. Yes, the router is indeed switched on.”
3. Receive game request notifications from Auntie Rita for eternity
Auntie Rita’s only hobby (besides playing Candy Crush, Criminal Case, Farm Heroes Saga and Farmville) is complaining that today’s youth are too obsessed with phones.Auntie Rita comments on every update you post within five minutes, so there’s no way you can get away with blocking her.
4. Watch all seasons of ’Becky’
What could be more mind-numbing than studying for days on end? That’s right, Eileen Montesin.
5. Try to find parking on Campus
“Finally after driving around the ring road for an hour there’s a parking space! Oh. Oh no. A car took up two parking spaces. I’m staying completely calm, Tina. No, Tina, this is definitely not a weapon. Oh, would you look at that…I accidentally shattered their mirror, whoops.”
6. Date Norman Lowell
He loves everything far-right. So it comes as no surprise to you that he swiped right on your Tinder profile.
7. Walk through Valletta during the evening on the weekend
There are 2 rules about Valletta Fight Club:
- Be under the age of 14
- Mention all the people you fight at any opportunity possible
8. Fight middle-aged women at LIDL for the last Buy 1 Get 1 Free Chicken breast.
“Don’t make me rip out your hair, Doris. We all know that wig costs as much as this limited edition LIDL Barbeque”
9. Watch ’Xarabank’ every single Friday night
It’s almost like a real life version of The Salott
10. Resign your course and marry a Minister to support yourself
You’ve thought of doing this, admit it. I mean, if you’re not related to any major political figures, the only way in is to marry your way to Positions of Trust. So much easier than studying for 4+ years.